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"sleepily listening to music"

26|transbian|us aspiring pretty girl, also a poet and musician

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Mood: big sleeb

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void in aimless flight—redux

Category: Writing and Poetry

across the sky, a jagged V of birds, black and nameless, soar together in relative unison. the breeze carries them along. i always envied the way birds like these simply open up their arms and can let the world take them anywhere. no words are spoken, no communication needed. they know where they're going, all the way to the end. nothing's holding them back. they exit the frame, and my eyes look » Continue Reading

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i'm back, baybee

Category: Writing and Poetry

hey, guys!! i'm back to using spacehey—been a minute, I know, but i've got fuckall going on in my life, and what better way to have an outlet than this? i'll likely write some posts on personal stuff like being trans in a really conservative area, post some poetry, etc. also please listen to my music!  i'm in a band called the mess inside, and it's sad lofi punk for cute g » Continue Reading

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