Category: Blogging
bro, I am so tired of living with an undiagnosed autoimmune issue. They're looking into it, they're planning on finding it but like. there's so many symptoms that it's just hard to sift through » Continue Reading
"hiding "
21, he/him/they/them, future ghost
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Category: Blogging
bro, I am so tired of living with an undiagnosed autoimmune issue. They're looking into it, they're planning on finding it but like. there's so many symptoms that it's just hard to sift through » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
Think my least favorite thing is walking into a situation knowing you're not gonna fit in, but the person you're with keeps saying "yeah its fine, you're gonna be fine" and you don't fit in :') Like I've got good intuition. Now I have to get my feelings hurt because you convinced me to walk into a social situation that I didn't feel comfortable with to begin with and immediately felt rejected. » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
i did therapy last week, and one of her pieces of homework for me was to buy a doll or something because I didn't get the chance to grow up. as a 21 year old trans man, it feels bizarre to go into the girls toy section and pick up a doll. I know the assumption was that the doll was for like. a gift. and they're kinda right but the gift was for me. it's causing me a lot of anxiety around other peop... » Continue Reading