Heya! So not many people have asked on waht I am and am not comfortable with here is a list! (I'll also post this on my blog) -self harm (for this just don't post it like I think most people can agree with this it just makes me uncomfortable and it makes me feel weird) -vents ig (I mean you guys can Vent but just don't do it all of the time and some don't put TW on it and I guess I don't but I try... » Continue Reading
so basicly each time i remeber a dream I'll write it down and have the date and stuff on here and ill update when i have dreams (That i remeber) 7:51 Sunday April 9th So I had to separate dream and I usually do so So the my friend and bf went out shopping Friday and I got a text from this friend saying "oh since you bought a dress that I didn't know you got him I'm gonna pay for everything you bou... » Continue Reading