Alright so the vocalist of 0.1gnogosan (You Midorikawa) has a yt channel and it's surprisingly entertaining tbh. Idk for some reason I didn't expect him to be so good at making vids and coming up with interesting ideas but he's super funny and upbeat and has a pretty wide variety of content that isn't just about his music. ALSO he posts a lot of vids of him messing with bangya at lives and even » Continue Reading
- Some of these are a little nsfw but nothing too bad - ✮Enjoys walking naked around his house and hotel room ✮Is called demon king by his staff ✮Tried to convince people he was a vampire for "literal decades" " His year of birth, 1973, was unknown until 5 November 2009, and instead his public profile used 1540 which was part of vampire claim from his early career." - the wiki » Continue Reading
This band isn't on spotify so all of these are gonna be youtube links Au Revoir : you might've heard this as an audio on tiktok but the whole song is great and a solid example of their musical style Ma Cherie : another popular one by them. this one has a cool video tho » Continue Reading