hey new friends
Category: Automotive
Hey new people! Welcome to my SpaceHey, if you know me from discord, welcome. If I know you off something else your always welcome!! Shy 2023 » Continue Reading
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Category: Automotive
Hey new people! Welcome to my SpaceHey, if you know me from discord, welcome. If I know you off something else your always welcome!! Shy 2023 » Continue Reading
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers
I was just at the mountains and holy shit was it fun!! I almost flew off the cliff with the swing, but we don't talk about that. Mason was being a little weirdo (as ususal) and he faked dead on the way there! FUck you for that mason!! Anyways I wanted to post this as if i die oneday someone will know to go to the mountains to remember me, and just a reminder I want to be cremated. thanks! Shy, 05... » Continue Reading