General Programs...
Category: Games
A General Program only has a Software attribute/skill/rating and must pass a software defence check every time it is used. » Continue Reading
"Sneaking around in VR....."
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Category: Games
A General Program only has a Software attribute/skill/rating and must pass a software defence check every time it is used. » Continue Reading
Category: Games
Anything use can accomplish on the matrix with a task you can accomplish with simple programming. It is more tedious and time consuming and creates no lasting software. It uses any of the tools and techniques available and uses your engineering with software skills just like a normal programming task.... » Continue Reading
Category: Games
It's the only attribute allowed to have a natural negative rating and it has no lower boundary » Continue Reading
Category: Games
There are 3 types of programs. A program intended to assist with a task, a program intended to replace the user in a task, and a simple use of system knowledge to accomplish a task that does not create a persistent software... » Continue Reading
— 1 Kudos
Category: Games
To write a program is a task but with major differences. Any program must have a purpose mainly defined by the subsystem is acts on and how it acts. Also a program is defined by if it is designed to replace the player in a task or simply assist...... » Continue Reading
Category: Games
Attributes - (Mental) Intelligence(2), Logic(2), Intuition(2), Reaction(2), Focus(2) (Physical) Health(3), Charisma(3), Karma(3), Interface(3) (Special) Convergence, Work Skills - (Technical)Terminal. Host, Hacking(4), Engineering(5), Software(5), Hardware(5) (Non Technical) Guile(4), Cooperation(4), Perception(4) » Continue Reading