I’m at a point now in life where I’m just to myself . I don’t believe in ppl showing genuine “LOVE “ anymore . I went above and beyond for ppl who didn’t appreciate my efforts. Loosing da only person who understood me made me change my mindset on a lot of shyt .now I’m at a point now where I’m just like to myself and very cautious of who I let get close to me and my baby now . It’s not being or a... » Continue Reading
What people Don’t tell you about being a young widow. Is it like a emotional roller coaster. You have your days when you want to end it all. Your emotions are all Over the place . You have to be strong for everyone around you . The kids will Always ask you if their dad is heaven and if he’s coming back . I had this talk with my 8 year old . Who absolutely adored her stepdad May he continues to Re... » Continue Reading
On March 6,2021 I received the news that my late husband had passed away. we were only married for 2 years i just felt like we would have spent the rest of our lives together. These past 4 months have been difficult for me to understand his death and why he didnt take precaution to really reach out to me in those dark moments. Depression and anxiety is real. through this process i have been silen... » Continue Reading