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6:31 am
Category: Life
I am sitting in my room, on my laptop while my bearded dragon stares at me and my dog plays in my extra pillows after begging for pickles. What an interesting morning. » Continue Reading
"Offline For Now"
He / They
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Category: Life
I am sitting in my room, on my laptop while my bearded dragon stares at me and my dog plays in my extra pillows after begging for pickles. What an interesting morning. » Continue Reading
— 2 Kudos
Category: Life
I'm 16, I live in the US, I am pansexual. I like basically anything and everything fictional, music is one of my main interests I play multiple instruments. I'm currently working on becoming a professional tattoo artist. I also write in my spare time, writing just interests me, I've written a few different things just never put them out for others to read. I read a lot of fiction as well, there's ... » Continue Reading