The cancer has gotten bigger then it was since the last scan in march. In early april i got a second scan and from then its grown bigger then before. Am going for a scan soon and hopefully they find out why I have sudden constant pain. » Continue Reading
Today is my 3rd day on radiation and its pretty okay. i just lay down and the machine does its thing. Its a bit spooky mainly because the thing is fucking huge and it makes weird noises but that's it ! they let me choose the music that plays but i just tell them whatever is fine because they would probably worry about what i listen to lol » Continue Reading
Next monday I will be able to continue the second phase of cancer treatment which is pretty cool. Its radiation sense having my tumor removed would have been dangerous and i rather not have as much complications then i already do. Very nervous about it, mainly because it radiation and am terrified of what music to play daily for 30 minutes this month. Spookly scared but at least they have toys so... » Continue Reading
today is the first day of me being home from the hospital. its really nice and everyone seems to look a me like a ghost or like its a miracle that I'm alive and i think that's strange. sure cancer can be deadly but am doing good right now, why cant they just think in the current ? i think that would help, maybe it would. » Continue Reading