"new stuff"
Category: Blogging
i got a cool new ENA plush in the mail today and APPARENTLY you cant embed images in blog posts whatever :( i was expecting other things but i guess they arent coming today ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ wait no » Continue Reading
"forever in my mind 🧠"
16, us, f, bi
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Category: Blogging
i got a cool new ENA plush in the mail today and APPARENTLY you cant embed images in blog posts whatever :( i was expecting other things but i guess they arent coming today ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ wait no » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
"work sucks i know" - blink-181 i work at texas roadhouse and omg my job is very dirty but it's ok i have gloves on 🤩 constantly dealing with huge tables with lots of things on em is pain but at least i can buy pins and stickers and shit » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
i'm young so i never used myspace ever and i have no idea how to code lol i did a computer science class in freshman year of high school and it was the most stressful class of my life so i don't think coding is for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
dont you love the feeling of dread when you have to go to work in like an hour but its not like work is hard or anything it just takes up my time and i dont like that i miss the days of me laying down and doing jack shit all day my life whole goal is to be a housewife » Continue Reading