Wow, okay so it's been awhile since I posted anything here lol. I guess I've just been busy and kinda forgot about this site. Anyways, life has kinda kicked me in the ass and has been pretty sucky lately, but it's getting better. I'm on summer break now, even though I didn't really take any classes this semester. I just TAed for a makeup course, which was fun but not any real effort. I had to do s... » Continue Reading
UGHHHHHH. It's finals time and I am so STRESSED. I have like a million things due in the next week and it sucks so much. Also I had to skip class today since I forgot to take my meds yesterday. SSRIs suck when you miss a dose. On the bright side I have an interview for a new job next week. Like a real adult job with benefits and shit. I don't really have anything else to talk about, just how excit... » Continue Reading
Heyo! It's been a minute since I've been on here. A mixture of depression and adult life stuff have a heavy hand for that, but I'm back! First thing that's new is I got a ~real~ haircut (not just me, my brain worms, and a bottle of wine). Here's what it looks like, I'm currently working on dye it so, I'll post pics once » Continue Reading
Heyo! It's been a little bit but I've changed my hair! It's suppose to be blonde, black, and green but I couldn't get all the blue out of the blonde part. It kinda blends into the green, but I like it anyways X3 Peace, Love, & Rockets- » Continue Reading
So me and my boyfriend are house sitting for my mom's boss and the house is super nice and they have a dog a a bird. I think the bird likes me... My boyfriend? not so much lol. Other than that I go back from Spring break on Tuesday. I'm actually looking forward to it a little bit because I only have to worry about my schoolwork for a few weeks before we start tech/dress for the next show. Lame but... » Continue Reading
I guess I'm going to journal here. I never kept one as a kid but I used to write a lot of random notes that would've worked as diary/journal entries. I hope I actually get into the habit of writing since I used to love to when I was younger. But yeah, thats all for now. Peace, Love, and Rockets, Bella P.S. if you get that reference we can be friends 4ever. » Continue Reading