I went home for my college lunch break and just completely remembered that Spacehey has a blog section and making them is like the most fun thing ever so obviously I had to jump on here and overshare what’s happening in my life. SO this week I genuinely thought I had cracked the sleep system. Like I was fully convince » Continue Reading
Woke up feeling like a hot christian single cigarette mother and obviously I had to look the part so I dabbled in my makeup and gave myself super thin eyebrows, and I’m kinda loving it! On another note, last week I was feeli » Continue Reading
Hey babes, I finally did it! I made a video reading all of the anonymous confessions you guys sent me! Some of these had me GAGGED. Check it out and let me know which confessions made YOU made.. or not! 🤫 Make sure to like, comment, and subscribe because I’m thinking of posting videos every week… if that works » Continue Reading
It’s about time, right? Spacehey's ditziest diva has officially entered her YouTube era. Video’s up and you’re not ready for all the fab youtube ideas I have for the future. Will not be filming with a 2009 macbook next time. The video quality kinda makes me wanna scream. » Continue Reading