Our First Gnostic Text? The Great Declaration, By M. David Litwa "In the video, I introduce the Great Declaration, discussing when and where it was written, its approach to Genesis, it's knowledge of Neopythagorean numerology, its understanding of embryology, it's mention of aeons or roots, and much more." » Continue Reading
Creating the Golden Age, Why Wait for the World to Catch Up? There have always been a few enlightened enclaves in the world, here and there over the centuries, a few ashrams of Pythagoreans, Essenes, Gnostics, and Sants living ahead of their time. I like the idea of personally stepping into the Sat Yuga or Golden Age as an individual choice. Rather than waiting for the world to catch up -- a might... » Continue Reading
Meditate. It's Bigger on the Inside! "Lead Us From the Unreal To the Real, Lead Us From Darkness To Light, Lead Us From Death To Immortality, Let There Be Peace, Peace, Peace in the Sound (OM, Shanti » Continue Reading
"The choice to whether we allow the Light to enter our eyes is entirely up to us." (Sebastian Brock commenting on St. Ephrem the Syrian in, Studies in Syriac Spirituality) » Continue Reading
Nanak wrote of many earths and countless worlds back during the middle ages. He lived from 1469-1539. "Many millions are the jewel containing oceans. » Continue Reading
SANT MAT IS A PATH OF LOVE AND AFFECTION. The soul is a form of love. The Master is also love. Even God Almighty is love and the Path to get connected to God Almighty is also love. There is only one love that we have. Now, love is not multidirectional — it is only one love that we have. However, now we are faced with spirituality and our love and devotion for our Master and love for this world as ... » Continue Reading
My E-Library of Spiritual Books: Sant Mat Mysticism, Charts of the Heavens, Gnostic, Mystic Christianity, Sikh, Sufism, also Vegan/Veg sections: https://santmatradhasoami.blogspot.com/2019/01/sant-mat-radhasoami-books-main-page-e.html » Continue Reading