All saints, prophets, and enlightened people through time have diligently applied themselves to the practice of meditation. Here is a brief summary of its values: Meditation is to the mind what medication is to the body. In prayer we ask God to “come” to us, and in meditation we “lift” ourselves to God. Meditation stabilizes the body and mind and puts us in touch with God. Meditation is the pathwa... » Continue Reading
"There is a silence of the tongue. There is a silence of the whole body. There is a silence of the soul. There is a silence of the mind, and there is a silence of the spirit." (Abraham of Nathpar, Syriac Mystic) "Go deeper » Continue Reading
The poet Sadi: "The aspiration of the Gnostic, who is a frenzied and distraught lover, are not centered in the present world, nay, nor in the world to come." "And (even) if Paradise were painted (in glowing colours) for the Gnostic, it would not be proper for him to look at anything but the Beloved." (Odes Of Sheikh Sadi Shirazi) » Continue Reading
"O traveler! Seek the path that lies within you. You and your Beloved are in the same body. Your Beloved is pervading everywhere, but not being perceived. Those initiated by Guru are able to recognize Him within their bodies. O traveler! If you wish to go alone on the path of the Lord, look for the path within and do not delay. The four spheres of darkness, Light, Sound and Soundlessness -- they a... » Continue Reading
STUDY: Ancient Tooth Enamel Shows Early Humans Maintained Plant-Based Diet... Ancient tooth enamel shatters long-held beliefs about early human diet: » Continue Reading
"Within this body breathes the secret essence. Within this body beats the heart of the Vedas. "Within this body shines the entire Universe, so the saints reveal. "Hermits, ascetics, celibates -- all are lost seeking Him in endless guises. "Seers and sages perfectly parrot the scriptures and holy books, blinded by knowledge. "Their pilgrim » Continue Reading
There's a vast, almost unknown, world of second century C.E. schools of spirituality that were centered around Alexandria, Egypt. You might find some of these to be new sources of inspiration, healing, an oasis of peace and wisdom, kinder and gentler expressions of Christianity-with-spirituality. Even if you've never had any attachments or background with mainstream forms of Christianity, with per... » Continue Reading