All saints, prophets, and enlightened people through time have diligently applied themselves to the practice of meditation. Here is a brief summary of its values: Meditation is to the mind what medication is to the body. In prayer we ask God to “come” to us, and in meditation we “lift” ourselves to God. Meditation stabilizes the body and mind and puts us in touch with God. Meditation is the pathwa... » Continue Reading
"There is a silence of the tongue. There is a silence of the whole body. There is a silence of the soul. There is a silence of the mind, and there is a silence of the spirit." (Abraham of Nathpar, Syriac Mystic) "Go deeper » Continue Reading
The Human Body is the True Temple of the Spirit -- Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast @ Youtube. This Life is a Golden Opportunity for the Liberation of the Soul; also, the Seven Stages of Mystic Ascension to Heaven; Ingredients of a Living Spiritual Path: Seven Gnostic-Sant Mat Parallels; Quotes from the Sikh Scriptures; The "Womb of Meditation" that gives birth to t » Continue Reading
Sunday School Wrong Again. The Case for John the Baptist Being a Vegetarian -- An Exploration of Early Christian Writings and Scholarly Texts, Locust Beans (Not Locusts) -- Beans, Not Bugs -- Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast. Note: I will be doing a follow-up part 2 on this topic at some point, as more early Christian apocrypha have been published as well as I've located more writings from the Ar... » Continue Reading
The Sufi poet Rumi was vegan. In these verses translated from Turkish, Rumi mentioned not only not killing animals for food but also not consuming "milk and milk products". » Continue Reading
Oldest Veg and Vegan Quotes on Earth: Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans, Neo-Platonist philosopher Porphyry, Surangama Sutra of Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Genesis 1:29, Ebionite Christianity, Gnosticism, Abu al-ʿAlaʾ al-Maʿarri the Syrian: » Continue Reading
Darshan Singh's Urdu book, ‘Manzil-e-Noor’ - Abode of Light, originally composed in 1969, contains 96 verses inspired by “the eternal and divine message of peace, oneness, sewa and coexistence” of Guru Nanak Dev. The English translation was published in 2023. "The message of Guru Granth uplifts the soul." "The world is deeply unhappy with continual strife, Each breath is burdened with the sorrow o... » Continue Reading