V-Kei Rocks
Category: Music
I made a visual kei based group! Join if you want! Here's the link! Thanks if you get into the group » Continue Reading
21 yo. he/him.
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Category: Music
I made a visual kei based group! Join if you want! Here's the link! Thanks if you get into the group » Continue Reading
Category: Music
So I have a lot of time in my hands and I love this fucking webpage, so I'll be making autoplays for some songs I like/find. I'll be accepting comissions anytime. Thanks for reading this dumbass post! » Continue Reading
Category: Music
I wanted to get something on this blog and as I'm so antisocial, well, it'll be my favourite songs at the moment! 1. Dead on Arrival - Kordhell & KUTE 2. DEADLY HEIST - 509 $icario 3. LIMBO - DPR IAN 4. DIRTY - NIGHTMARE 5. Oboro - DIR EN GREY 6. GOTTASADAE - BewhY » Continue Reading