Hello! Because many people have written poems with the help of AI these days, I thought I would need to write a poem for AI, as a tribute. So now i present to you! The Poem: A Poem to an AI You think you know so much, But you don't know feelings as such, » Continue Reading
Okay okay, I will write English blogs, even though I preferred writing them in German. I still need a better profile, but I'll probably will get to change it (or not). Is there anything better on a Wednesday to eat a salad and contemplate life? Probably, but thats what I'm doing right now. I also concluded that I'm too old maybe for this website. Even though the style is very oldschool mainly peo... » Continue Reading
Vor lange langer Zeit da lebte eine MIlly dauerhaft im Internet und dachte sich "wtf was ist falsch mit dieser Frau?!!" Auf jeden Fall stolperte sie dann auf diese Website die das retro design der Vergangenheit so gut verkörpert dass sie es sich nehmen konnte, hier direkt eine sehr cringigen dummen Blog zu verfassen. Denn, man kann hier so viel Blödsinn machen! Okay ich bin legit zu doof ein Bil... » Continue Reading