Im so freaking boring!!!!!! on this days, if someone wants to talk with me in messages here, instagram or discord welcome!! Estoy aburrido en estos dias!!!!!!!!!! si alguien quiere hablar conmigo bienvenido sea » Continue Reading
Today ladies and gentleman i am gonna to get so bored with my dad beacuse he make me to go to cinema to watch another stupid remake of a new movie and of course a movie that doesnt deserve a remake this time is ghostbusters one of the best 80s action movies of all time but the problem here is that current cinema is trash because all movies have a forced comedy, scenes and that cringe jokes oh godd... » Continue Reading
This sucks man!! your non friends no taking care of the virus, coming out with many other friends in the same situation without mask and in that stupid parties!!! and you making the opposite and not having the oportunity to meet new people because in your town every teenage as you dont want to get out for nothing, and you there walking 1000 k for fuccking nothing!! alone, and from worst when you n... » Continue Reading
Finally after watching youtube tutorials about this thing of laundry or lundry i forget the anme of that thing i finally have my backgorund but predetermined from other guy because i dontknow how to make one but forgeting that is very nice i love it because is red and red is my favorite color, and in the profile picture thinking to upload a photo of me but trying to get a descent photo every one w... » Continue Reading
Oh God!! this bitches again no!! yeah guys i well tell you about my worst friends (not all of them of course if G, S and JK are watching this you guys are of course out of this blogg). I was thinking back then in 2011 to 2017 that FG was my best friend but i was knowing the opposite he was threat me as and idiot so many times, pranking to me so bad, talking bad of me, hating my likes (things i lik... » Continue Reading
Well this weird thing start it in the year 2014 thanks that i was fa freaking soccer fan and more of that argentine player Lionel Messi. So one day in the home of a argentine aunt watching a match of his favourite team called River Plate, and then they told me that i can got the nationality from Argentina in a card and password and by that i was thinking too that i can start the road to be a argen... » Continue Reading
I was practicing with my two guitars acoustic and electric, and now im an hour to go to high school to you know learn boring things and then study and finally practice more guitar and singing Im thinking of what i gonna to upload in my tracle channel but i dont have any ideas please guys help me PLEASE!!!!!! and sorry by my bad and vomitive english but i will learn much to speak and write much be... » Continue Reading
No se por donde empezar, ahora mismo aqui estoy tocando mi guitarra acustica jaja practicando unas escalas que aun me salen como pelota de bolos en la spelotas es decir HORRIBLE jajaja pero ni modo la practica hace al maestro, y como detesto cuando salgo afuera haber si encuentro compas como de mi edad para hablar y intentar hacer nuevos amigos que siempre sea el unico afuera ya que literal nadie ... » Continue Reading