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my favrit foods
Category: Blogging
foods that r safe 1. chicken sandwich will pickles mayo letuc 2. rice espically fried rice 3. bread 4. cracker » Continue Reading
"coolest in town"
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— 1 Comment— 3 Kudos
Category: Blogging
foods that r safe 1. chicken sandwich will pickles mayo letuc 2. rice espically fried rice 3. bread 4. cracker » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
he had a test and decide not to get me so basically he doesnt love me anymore and i am heartbroken.. and i jsut wanted to go over there and maybe majke spaghetti and pet the animals but no he has to be really mean and not get me.... should i poop onn his pillow? i love him though so it ok xoxoxoxox » Continue Reading
Category: Blogging
i had a horrible stomach ache and almost shat myself today at school i had to poop in the bathroom that were not allowed to go into because it was the closest to me and if i didnt poop city wouldve happened.... im not joking you it wouldve been disgustang..... i didnt get caught but if i did i made sure to not flush good so they know i took a shit and wasnt hitting a vape in there because thats wh... » Continue Reading