2day was def much better than yesterday, but still not the best. i think i can manage n my classes even not knowing nebody lunch however might b a different story it gets SO loud in there n the ppl who sat at my table also keep bringing up mha (i really do not like mha fans) n not just random things, specifically nsfw mha shit itz all just v uncomfy this is gonna b much shorter than yesterdayz, im... » Continue Reading
wow ok my first like actual blog into blogging lolz well 2day iz my first day back at school aaand none of my friendz r in ne of my classes.. which like i only have liek 3 friendz but ud think id have at least 1 class w at least 1 of them idk itz just uncomfy ig im tryin 2 get my schedule changed so im not so away from every1 i know but thats not guaranteed ughh n everytime » Continue Reading
should i start blogging? like regularly? i think daily blogging would be kinda fun but idk i doubt many ppl would be interested in reading it which doesnt rly matter but still maybe i will who knows either way, im sure ill post more eventually lolz » Continue Reading