- better than HS1 but will not top Fine Line - his Solar Power - the single reeks of one direction energy unfortunately which is surprising - indie rock era??? - lots of jumpsuits and another dress - will be thought-provoking re: home and what that means to me - very cohesive - clean, maybe a little empty in its cleanliness though - bukowski meets murakami lyrics - emotionally homogenous » Continue Reading
that’s the percent of people who get a prize in an upcoming math competition. i am going to suck it up and be comfortable with things not being effortless. and i will do my best. my weekend was pretty good. i didn’t eat for pleasure, i only ate what i needed to. i was fairly productive. living lucretius’ dream life. » Continue Reading
i’ve unlocked it. i have literally never been able to extract myself from a tailspin until i realized that i need to suck it up. it doesn’t matter that i don’t want to do something, or that i want to do something more pleasurable instead. it doesn’t matter if the situation isn’t perfectly to my liking. i just need to suck it up! life is so much more manageable that way. i made two new playlists... » Continue Reading