
Name: Lauren
Age: 29
Month of birth: February
Any siblings?: 2
Occupation: Safety Specialist
Any pets?: 3 cats and a dove
Hair color: brownish-red
Eye color: hazel
Any tattoos?: yes! 4
Any piercings?: yes, ears and septum, but septum ring is not in rn
Current wardrobe choice: black, comfy and warm clothing
What are you listening to?: the hum of my heater
What is/was the best thing to happen to you today?: i got to relax
What is/was your most prized possession: my signed butcher knife from matt lillard
What is/was your bedtime (on average): usually midnight
Do you store things under your bed?: yup
Do you daydream: only when i'm driving and listening to music
Do you own a cell phone: i do! i want a flip phone. tired of smartphones
Do you attend high school or college: just graduated college in mayΒ 
Do you make good grades: 4.0 baby!!
Have you ever had a surgery: nope
Have you ever had teeth pulled: yes :(
Have you ever broke the law intentionally: lololol yes
Have you ever ran away from home?: oh god yeah when i was a teen
Have you ever broken a bone?: fingers, toes, and my arm
Have you ever cheated on a test/exam: duhhh
Have you ever had a friend pass away: yes. kim, jason, jacob and taylor
Have you ever been issued a citation/traffic ticket: yisssΒ 
Have you ever been in an auto accident: twice
Have you ever lied to someone: who hasnt?
Have you ever been lied to: TOOΒ  MANY TIMES
Your favorite place to be: the swingset by melrose church
Your favorite place to chill: literally on my couch lol
Your favorite non-alcoholic drink: waterrrr
Your favorite alcoholic drink: i don't drink anymore but i use to love wine
Your favorite dessert: chocolate lava cake but i don't ear sweets anymore :(
Your favorite colors: blacl
Your favorite season: fall!
Your favorite holiday: halloween :3
Your favorite video game: donkey kong
Your favorite TV show: currently it's ER
Your favorite smell(s): pumpkin, patchouli, F&M
Do you believe in karma: ehhh maybe
Do you believe in god: that's a tough one. i lost my faith after my husband died
Do you believe in Heaven & Hell: no
Do you believe that aliens exist: YES
Do you believe that ghosts exist: ehhh yes and no
Do you believe in horoscopes: i do actually
Do believe in others you know (family, friends, co-workers, etc): my kids <3
Do you believe in yourself: lately? no.
Your opinion on the death penalty: kill all rapists and pedophiles
Your opinion on reciting the Pledge of allegiance in schools: dumb cult behavior
Your opinion on homosexuals in the military: i'm fine with it.Β 
How long have you been on Spacehey?: two years
How many friends do you have on Spacehey?: like 80-something?
How many hours per day are you on Spacehey?: ehh not much
What's your profile aesthetic?: y2k, gothy vibes
How did you find out about spacehey?: my husbands friend
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality/romantic: bisexual
Fave band: nine inch nails
Fave song: come come - hot as sun
Current hyperfixation(s): spacehey, browsing the web and reading
What concerts have you been to: only two :(
Are you dating someone at all (platonic, romantic or sexual)?: yes i have a bf currently
Are you an extrovert, ambivert or introvert?: extrovert mostly but sometimes intro
Who is your favorite game/anime/book/show character?: Zade <3
Do you have many friends or little to no friends?: i have a small group of friendsΒ 
Do you have a crush by any chance?: yis
Does your preference lean towards men or women?: either or
Do you have any phobias?: yes. ones i'm in EMDR therapy forΒ 
Do you engage in drama almost all the time?: no, just listen to my friends drama lol
Do you want to go to university: i might go back to become a NP or PA
Have you ever been in love: yes!
Do you want to get married: idk if i'll ever get married again tbh
Do you play an instrument: lil guitar, lil drums, flute, and recorder lmao
Are you attracted to someone who does not know it: yeah trent reznor lol
Do you kiss with your eyes closed or open: either
Why aren't you in 'love' with your last ex anymore?: fuuuuuuuuck no
How late did you stay up last night and why?: 12 am & i couldn't sleep
Ever kissed in the rain?: yeah. it's hyped up
What should you be doing?: sleeping
Is there someone you just can't imagine your life without?: my kidsΒ 
Have you ever got a D or F on your report card? all through highschool
Were you happy when you woke up today?: i was tired affff
Favorite memories: my first apartment with my hubby, my kids as babies, and 2014
Smoked in the past month: everyday :(
Stayed home from schoolΒ in the past month: no more school
Been to the mallΒ in the past month: yeah over the weekend
Been to a show/concertΒ in the past month: no :(Β 
Are you questioning still?: huh
Are you in the closet?: not really
Do you have any lgbtqia+ friends?: all of my friends are pretty much lol
Longest real relationship?: 8 years
Shortest relationship?: 3 months
How many boyfriends/girlfriends have told you they love you?: god... like 10?
Have you ever thought that you were going to marry the person you were dating?: yeahΒ 
Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts?: everyday
Are you happier single or in a relationship?: atm single. my bf pissing me off lol
Talk to any of your exes still?: nope!
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?: ehhh depends
How many people have you kissed?: i honestly could not give you a number.

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