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Category: Life

lgbtqia+ community, i want to hear your stories

it's surprising to me that there are still queerphobic people on spacehey

there really isn't anything massive i want to say, and i don't see the point in writing a whole ass essay just to prove we are real people

i don't know how many people are going to actually read this, but i'd love it if you shared your queer stories with me. doesn't matter if they're bad, good, boring (heck, i'd kill for a boring queer story). i want to hear about your queer moments, big and small. i want to hear about the cute girl in your math class, i want to hear about how your top surgery went. whatever makes you you, it's wonderful

ignorance is fought with knowledge- a lot of queerphobia is worsened by the fact that many people don't know anyone in the lgbtqia+ community! giving people your stories, if you are comfortable with it, shows those people that we too have lives, we too get happy or sad, we too accidentally drop a whole burrito in the parking lot of lola's mexican restaurant (no? just me?)

for all you young kids out there online who have animosity towards queer people of any kind- it isn't your fault you were surrounded with hurtful opinions. it does become your fault, however, if you don't take the opportunities to change. do some research! look into different queer identities and how you can respect them! you might even find yourself relating to some things! just because we're different than what society has deemed normal doesn't mean we are wrong. 

so to all you fellow queers, i love you.

- saffo, professional genderfluid entity and burrito-dropper 

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stick.Ö_'s profile picture

I'm a bit late haha, but well. So I'm non binary, and pan. There was this certain friend group that I used to be part of, right? And everyone there seemed to figure their sexuality out at around 13. That was kinda like, the thing they shared, all being gay or bi. And like, at the moment I didn't quite have my stuff figured out, so I never mentioned it. And for example, if they made a group chat it would be like "The gays, and Stickö" (that's not my actual name but you get it). I kinda felt left out, but of course i was still trying to find myself so I choose to take it slow and don't make anything public about how I was feeling.

So, around three years go by, and I come to terms with the fact that I'm nonbinary and pan. Cool. But they don't take me seriously about it. Like they don't believe it? Or they don't think I'm valid. Simply cause I mentioned it later than them?? Simply cause I took longer to make those conclutions? I mean, being a mostly lgbt group, I was expecting some more understanding and support, but no. When I told them they just brushed it off and kept treating me like the token ""cishet"". I don't know, they didn't make me feel valid in any way.
So I basically went back to the closet.

But now I'm finally pulling myself out of there. Like, out of that group. There were other issues that kinda made me feel like shit there, so it all piled up. Now I'm being true to myself, prefer to be alone and happy than with others and miserable.
So yeah, that's kinda it :))
thanks for reading!

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that sucks shit, it’s good you’re getting away from that group
i hate how a lot of lgbtq groups set these sort of unspoken limits on how far they’re willing to be inclusive- just because you take the time you need to figure stuff out (an amazing decision i wish i’d taken with my orientation) doesn’t mean you’re any less queer

by saffo; ; Report

Totally! Why put limits to inclusion?? I think being queer is about not being limited by social standars so... yeah. And your words really mean a lot to me! I didn't know how much I needed to hear someone validate me lol
Hope you have a great day fellow :))

by stick.Ö_; ; Report


manofSteele's profile picture

I'll talk about an experience that made me feel really comfortable. If anyone is trying to make a more welcoming space, listen up!

I was talking about a male crush. Someone who I wasn't out to ended up hearing the conversation, and I was scared of how he was going to react. I knew he wasn't homophobic, but people still tend to make big productions when they find out. His response instantly made me feel accepted, though.

He started talking about some girl that he liked. And it wasn't weird. Because in essence, they are the same thing. It felt so good for us to not make a big deal out of it. At the end of the day, it's just who I like, and no special deal should be made out of it.

I've had a lot of interactions like this since then, but the first time stuck with me. Really, the most supportive thing you can do is nothing. Just treat it like everything else.

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it makes my day when people don't act surprised when they find out i'm queer- being like shocked or dramatic about it just makes it seem more like queer is the weird exception to the world :)

by saffo; ; Report


Creature's profile picture

It was easy to find out that I wasn't really attracted sexually or romantically to anyone and it was something that was easily accepted. On the other hand, it took me years to accept that I wasn't a girl let alone figure out that I was meant to be a man. It helped that a lot of my friends would come out before me as part of the LGBTQ+ but I had it in my head that literally everyone else was being real except for me. Now I'm talking with my mom to start transitioning.

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that's wonderful, hope you have everything you need to transition <3

by saffo; ; Report


denim's profile picture

didnt find out i was bisexual until 2 years ago when i started going down my straight to straight ally to questioning pipeline, and only last may i started noticing i had shifts of time periods (theyre not super frequent, and if they are theyre very miniscule gender shifts that still go over an overall feeling of femininity, masculinity, or androgyny or a mix of all or none) and i started questioning my gender and pronouns and ended up as a he/her genderfluid :3

i had a lot of (now noticably) transphobic and homophobic friends who ended up ditching me anyways but i found my own lil circle of acceptance and queerness in a couple other upperclassmen friends at school and my own queer friends outside of school, including my bf who i helped to start questioning his sexuality :33

idk its not that remarkable cuz im still a teenager but yeah :3

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ay a fellow bi gender fluid person :)
yeah i had the same sort of path to my bihood
i'd always had gender shifts but same as you only noticed them recently

by saffo; ; Report

is it weird my gender shifts are a lot more..spaced out?? i heard of some genderfluid ppl shifting like everyday and even in less time frames like every couple hours or so. so idk maybe im the odd one out ahsdgajk /genq

by denim; ; Report

no that's completely normal (if that word even has a meaning anymore)
that's the thing about gender fluidity, the shifts are fluid
my genders often spill into each other and they change from shifting frequently to not so frequently
we're hard to pin down that way <3

by saffo; ; Report

ohhhh ok :0 tysm i feel a lot better auyshdgkajs

by denim; ; Report


𝐻𝒜𝐼𝐿𝐸𝒴 𝒢𝐿𝒪𝒪𝑀𝐼𝐸's profile picture

I didn't find out that I was bisexual until I was 21 due to internalized homophobia. Part of it was that I was a late bloomer in general, but I also got asked if I was a lesbian by random people in high school so I just didn't explore it that much.

That was until I started having a crush on my best friend and thought she was Aphrodite beautiful to me even though she's not what people would consider "attractive". Same thing with my other friend in HS, I told myself that if I were a guy I'd totally snatch her up because she's so cute. Well everyone else thought she was weird and ugly, but I saw her in a totally different light.

Turns out that was called a CRUSH and then I went OHHHHHH

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same with me, just a bit earlier
i think a lot of bi people have that same sort of experience

by saffo; ; Report

Worm on A String

Worm on A String's profile picture

I was worming my way down the aisle of Ralph's yesterday and made prolonged eye contact with a fellow queer. Warmed my wormy heart to the core.

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lovely <3

by saffo; ; Report

ronan ☥

ronan ☥'s profile picture

for me, right now being trans is a bit of a struggle. the infrastructure here to access hormones is completely overloaded and i’m currently looking at a wait of 3 years before i can start hrt (i’ve already been on the waitlist for over 2 years) and my school is full of a lot of assholes

however, being trans has allowed me to have some of the most extraordinary experiences and meet so many amazing people. being connected to the trans community keeps me going, keeps me looking forwards to a future where i’ll be happy and able to get the things i need. while sometimes it can be a struggle, ultimately i love being trans and i hope that other trans people that might be reading this feel the same way or are able to one day

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sorry to hear that- i hope you'll get the hormones you need soon
i love the connection of being in the trans community too, it's like a family where you're always welcome <3

by saffo; ; Report

i might be able to get it sooner, because we’re moving soon and the place we’re moving too might have better infrastructure, but i’m worried about getting my hopes up haha

it really is like a family, the joy of seeing other trans people out and about is just unlimited i can’t even describe it. i saw someone once post a meme that said seeing another trans person in public is like getting a health refill in a video game and honestly it’s so accurate

by ronan ☥; ; Report

that's good :)
it really is, whenever i'm just floating in space thinking i'm alone and a trans person spawns it makes my day

by saffo; ; Report

Cranky Old Witch

Cranky Old Witch's profile picture

Downside: Electrolysis is a bitch and a half and three quarters.

Upside: I love my electrologist! She has a dark, dry sense of humor steeped in sarcasm!

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i always prefer my more personal doctors to have a good sense of humor

by saffo; ; Report