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Category: Dreams and the Supernatural

spacehey creepypasta (remastered)

"> <- dont mind this the layout goes bye bye if i take it out

my name is noah. i am 13 years old. i love the internet, and everything about it. i go on my parents computer every day. its  so fun watching youtube, watching youtube and other things! but today i wanted to do something new. i wanted to go on a new website. so i asked my friend, neil. To recomend me a new website. i Called my friend neil. he picked up afer 5 secods. 'hi noah! what.s up?' 'hi neil!' i say.'i want  to use naother websiye! youtubes getting pretty boring.. .' 'no worries pal! i got you!' 'yay!' i say. after 2 seconds, he answers 'its called spacehey, but apparentally at night... the website becomes TERRIFYING!!! dont go on it after midngiht, i did and DIED.' i was in shock. a websiye? KILLLING somebody? thats impossible! i shurg my head 'tsk tsk neil, your lying!' 'no dude, im telling the truth. its like the website is hanuted.' i ended up not beliving him anyway. after all, thats stupid! right? .i hung up on neil and went on with my day, but the phone call stuck with me. was he REALLy telling the truth? i thought about it for 43 seconds.. nah! hes playing. 

i went to bed, but i was STILL thinking about that phone call. so i decided, 'humph! lets see if he really WAS lying...' i check my alarm clock. 11:34. damnit. it aint time yet. i wait a couple more minutes. 11:42. dammnit. i wait a couple more minutes. 11:51. dammnit. i wait a couple more minutes. 11:59. yes! this is it! i check to see if my parents are awake, which they werent. then i check and see if my little brother was awake, which he wasnt. i run to the family computer, tip toeing my way down the stairs. and i turn on my windows. i type in my password noahissocool22. i carefully type in the address. spacehey.com. i typed VERY slowly due to my very high anxiety (i have asma too, so i cant be too scared). i carefully click enter. i gulped and opened my eyes. nothing happened for 14 seconds. then, my computer said redirecting... redirecting to what? i was weirded out. my computer isnt slow, i didnt make any mistakes. it said 'redirecting to.... to.... to..... ......SPACEHEY666.COM. i was shocked! i couldnt believe my eyes! i almost fell out of the chair! i almost fell out of the chair! i stared at my screen HARD. i slowly opened my eyes, and i saw the website.

it was horrible. the screen was blood red, the logo was staring at my creepily with its eyes... huurghgh! (sound of me shivering). i tried signing up, thinking that this was all just in my imagination, but instead of sign up and log in it said DIE or DIE. i chose DIE..... i did. then, my computer frose whenever i was typing in my email (noahisverycool284@yahoo.com).. i was super scared now! then, it started typing itself. it said DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE. i was terrified! i was shaking. then, my computer went black. it stayed black for 23 seconds. then, it turned back on, but it typed itself! apparentally my password now is... YOUCANTHIDE?? woah! and it typed it in. spacehey666.com i was peeing my pants! literally! it typed in my so called account... NOAHISDEAD. at NOAHISDEAD1284@YAHOO.COM.

what the heck! my hands were going all over the place, i was shivering, i felt like i was gonna pass out! my profile picture was... ME? HOW DOES IT KNOW? my friend page was USERS SAYING YOU CANT HIDE? OH MY GOD! i tried turning off my computer, but nothing worked. i plugged it out, the screen still was there. i was ready to grab something to smash the computer but then... it turned off. and it was complete silence for about a minute. i was having a panic attack, crying quietly while begging to god that this was all just a dream. i was on my hands and knees praying. 'please god, let this all be a dream. please!' then, i heard footsteps. i begged to god that it was just my parents or my brother. the footsteps got closer, i was terrified to see who it was. it got closer. it got closer. it got closer. i can smell its nasty disgusting rotten breath. 'hello... TIME TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!' i screamed, but it was too late. the monster stabbed me with its 10 foot knife. i died instantly. it dragged my body to the room. and it left, waiting to get more victims....

24 Kudos


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✮PitterAarav✮'s profile picture

ik this is supposed to be a joke but we need a spacehey creepypasta mascot, it would be so cool o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

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i would draw that if i knew how 2 draw

by opheliac; ; Report


MOLLYYY's profile picture

literally not sleeping the whole month im shitting my pants rn holy shit

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cleo !!

cleo !!'s profile picture

oh this so scarsy.. hurghh! (me whimpering from how scared i am)

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soopaa's profile picture

i loved it awesome

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zmbie's profile picture

literally shat my pants

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actuallarchangel's profile picture

shit my pants, 10/10 story, absoloute nightmare fuel

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★SEGACaturn32X★'s profile picture

oh my jod!!!! This iz sos so scary i cscrleam!!!!!!!!! :( D:

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