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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

making a super mega giga database 3000

hello and welcome to this (maybe useless) blog of making a website that will contain everything that i wanna link on it (from important stuff to the most unimportant stuff) so i'll be updating this blog everytime i wanna add something new to this site yea

link to the site

day 1

okay so today (as of 4th december 2023, 6:12 PM) i decided to make this website (that will prolly end up as a failure like any project of mine do) and rn i'm deciding to turn one of my useless failed websites into this website or to make a new one instead (that will require making new email cuz ion wanna pay for child websites on neocities lmao) and i'm writing down every website with their email and password cuz ion wanna forget ofc

6:35 PM - i decided to make a new email lmaoo, and i created the acc for the website, now i'll start working on it by finding a proper 90's layout for it (it will look similar to wikipedia in 90's yea) and i'll maybe design it a lil bit and then update a pic of it

6:54 PM - i found the template finally and i'm starting w the work :]

7:09 PM - i started slowly placing almost all of the parts of html (with already copied entire css code), and it ended up looking like this...

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should i panic...

7:27 PM - ALRIGHT!!! i found new template that's more simpler and it didn't scam me like previous one did lol

7:37 PM — i made a logo for the site so i'm just putting this here so you can see it and so i can have a source for the img :P

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it's shitty ik... but it'll be better!!!!

10:05 PM — okay so i made a pause and meanwhile i made a new logo that i'm going to use :]

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11:50 — i think that's it for today, i'll just drop a pic of how the site turned out in the end of the day, tomorrow i'll continue the work

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day 2

5th december 2023, 8:15 PM - so today i'm continuing with the work on this site, for now i need to figure out how to put boxes of text next to eachother, and since i gave you a screenshot on my phone of how my site looked for now yesterday, i'll give you today another one but from desktop

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8:31 PM - i just started working on it and i succeeded to put the boxes next to eachother, the thing is... i need to fix the big space between them, i did do that though, it's just that i noticed that the neocities is doing that one thing again... not updating the page after changing the css file :( idk what should do, i refreshed it w f5 multiple times, i guess i just need to wait until it updates again, i hate when this happens...

9:08 PM - i succeeded to shrink the space between the boxes, and i made a new page for a database of my websites, i will edit that page a little (add more text, since it's a small database) and i linked it with the yellow box and navigation section, after i edit the page, i'll find a proper hex codes for colors of boxes since ion like these ones that much... here's how it looks for now

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9:45 PM - i want to cry. while i was editing the page i was leaving the tab to visit another one of my websites and when i got back guess what happened.. all of my work that i didn't saved got erased, and that happened when i came back to the neocities tab, the page was loading and it didn't load and i had to leave and erase all unsaved work i've done... fuck... this happened to me for the first time, and it's cause of this shitty wifi i'm having, fml. now i don't have any motivation to continue bcs this bullshit happened

10:18 PM - i continued with the editing by describing another website, god it took so long.. the screenshoting takes a lot of time to be done since my laptop is so slow these days in opening programs n shit and i have to wait for the cutting app to open for 2 damn minutes, here's how it looks so far...

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1:06 AM - i know this would be considered as a new day since it's 1 in the morning but i ddn't care since it took me so much time to finish this page... here's how it looks

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1:45 AM - i also edited the colors of one box on the index page, this is how my website looks for now

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annnd that's it for today... tomorrow i will try to look for new list to add on my website, i'm logging off for today...

day 3

6th december 2023, 2:25 PM - today i decided to add another masterlist, first i have to see if the next box will successfully be put under the welcome box and then i'll start to make a page for it. btw the masterlist will be about resources for graphics and allat, i'll collect as many posts from spacehey as possible

2:37 PM - i'm gonna kms... IT'S DOING THAT THING AGAIN, i swear next time it does that imma throw my laptop outta window, it's happening everytime and the tutorial on official neocities faq page isn't helping at all!!!! i have to wait everytime for it to update....

2:50 PM - okay i fixed the problem, i just had to go ctrl + shift + r to refresh it... i knew that but i apparently forgot about that, sooo i continued editing the box and here's how it looks

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now i have to create a page for it and link it to the box and nav

5:48 PM - for now i finished the page and also linked it... i will update it in the meantime, this is how the page looks for now

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next thing that i plan to do i'll make few boxes of pages i had in mind to make next

7:00 PM - added request box and page for you to request me lists to be made by me or to add already created lists

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7:24 PM - i made "stuff i plan to add" box and now i can't find a way to put it inline like i put previous boxes... i want to put it next to the orange box but idfk how, i tried everything i could (changing the positions of the boxes, adding the "display: inline-block;" code, erasing it....) idk how, how the fuck do i create a new line of boxes under the first one, here's how the index page looks for now:

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7:57 PM - i fixed the problem i had, changed the color of the box and linked a page, here's how the index looks now:

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and this is how the page looks:

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9:11 PM - was editing small details and tried some things that turned unsuccessful in the end.. i guess that's it for today

4 day

7th december 2023, 6:03 AM - got woken up by small earthquake and couldn't sleep because i was thinking ab this website and how would i improve it.. (awww) so yeah, i'm gonna start adding a new list that i thought about while thinking for new ideas, and maybe think ab more ideas idk... i'll see what i'll end up doing

6:48 AM - updated the resources for graphics page, i think i'll add new list then continue to add more to that page...

9:15 AM - aight..... other than i spent 3 hours editing the page... here's how the index page looks like:

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now i just plan to take a mf break...

6:00 PM - okay i'm just updating now because spacehey servers went down... but hour earlier i was editing resources page and i'll continue to edit it

6:33 PM - for today i finished updating resources page, i'll start updating codes and layouts page, and some posts from resources page need to be moved to a new category that i will make tomorrow

6:49 PM - updated codes and layouts page, now gonna take a lil break

day 5

9th december 2023, 2:51 AM - talk ab late night motivation huh? lol, i got a break all day and now i'll work a lil more on my website. today i won't be updating any of resources or codes and layouts pages because it's just boooorriiiingggg yea you heard me right it's BORING so imma add more categories. today i plan to add my super mega giga cool posts i posted on spacehey because y not lmao. and they're pretty old sooo it'll be fun to add some avril lavigne pictures as a link to the posts, just for funsies i swear- so yeah, let's get to work.

3:34 AM - imma just link pictures here so it can be easier for me to copy source from them

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4:01 AM - i still didn't fall asleep, yet...

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4:33 AM

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5:00 AM

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5:22 AM

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5:47 AM

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6:04 AM

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6:13 AM

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6:29 AM

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6:34 AM - okay i finished this page once and for all lmao, the editing of the thumbnails took way too much time than actual coding :P, here's how it looks for now (both the page and the index page):

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day 6

19.12.2023., 10:55 AM - after 10 days i finally decided to continue with this website. today i'll add few more posts from official spacehey christmas event and i'll see if i'll add another thing

11:07 AM - added the links, now idk what i'll do next but i'll see if i can do something more

11:16 AM - i'm thinking of adding neocities neighbours on my website, it would be so cool if yall wanted to partner w me in this :3

11:49 AM - after what it seemed 40 mins of trying to log into my reddit account just to search for some niche sites that i'd like to recommend for you guys, imma start making that page

12:49 PM - added the site, you can check it out

day 7

09:29 AM, 22.12.2023. - used a chance on an it class to add 2 more pages that i will edit later, and that's it for today

day 8

08:54 AM, 29.12.2023. - added a christmas advent calendar page to codes page as a christmas present and added more content to revival websites page, will continue withe editing later


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but is good the site. i like it

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thank youuu <3

by cilica; ; Report

♱𝕯𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘𝖒𝖆𝖓♱

♱𝕯𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘𝖒𝖆𝖓♱'s profile picture

Thats so cool what are you using to make the website?

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neocities is the platform, html/css files only

by cilica; ; Report

andd color catcher for the boxes

by cilica; ; Report

and the chatbox is called cbox

by cilica; ; Report


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thank youuuq

by cilica; ; Report