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Category: Life

snowflakes will be snowflakes

yesterday i was called a snowflake,

i was at work, existing and i get to ring up this man and his wife. after im done scanning everything the wife tries ti get this man’s attention to pay. this man is locked stunned looking at my body. i think it took two name calls to pull him out of whatever trance he was in. I could tell personally he had a homophobic look on his face, just one of those stares, IYKYK. he then goes onto pay and as hes leaving he whispers to his wife “snowflakes will be snowflakes”. first of all… its not even all that cold out, second of all, im just here existing with a pride pin and painted nails. i have done nothing wrong and it is so funny to me that i have offended him enough to call me a snowflake, at the last second just so he could say it and i couldnt respond. 

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