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Category: Blogging

tongue splitting

i'm going to get my tongue split in july, going to travel to sweden to get it done by a professional at Calm body mods

here's my list of things i will need to help it heal well:


wound tampons

soft toothbrush

hard toothbrush

saline solution

nonalcoholic mouthwash

liquid ibuprofen 

normal ibuprofen 


no dairy liquid food

sports bottle of water

baby food

room temperature tea

meal replacement shakes

elecralyte water


pillow towel

no dairy ice cream

sharp ended scissors


day 3 soup

day 5 mashed potatoes

no dairy 2 days before, week after

no coffee for 2 days before, 5 days after

no alcohol for a week before, 2 weeks after

no spicy foods a week before, 2 weeks after

rince mouth after eating/drinking

stretch every day

day 5/6 take the stitches out

10 days free!!

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