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Category: Music

My favorite songs from every Radiohead album

I thought of this in the shower, and it seemed pretty fun. Here are my top 3 songs from every Radiohead album!!

Pablo Honey:

  1. Creep
  2. Anyone Can Play Guitar
  3. Stop Whispering

The Bends:

  1. Street Spirit
  2. Fake Plastic Trees
  3. Just OR My Iron Lung

OK Computer:

  1. Let Down
  2. No Surprises
  3. Paranoid Android

Kid A:

  1. Motion Picture Soundtrack
  2. How To Disappear Completely
  3. Idioteque OR The National Anthem


  1. Life In a Glasshouse
  2. Morning Bell/Amnesiac
  3. Packt Like Sardines In a Crushd Tin Box

I Might Be Wrong

  1. True Love Waits - Live in Oslo
  2. The National Anthem - Live in France
  3. Idioteque - Live in Oxford 

Hail To the Thief

  1. Myxomatosis
  2. 2 + 2 = 5
  3. Where I End and You Begin OR A Wolf At the Door

In Rainbows

  1. Nude
  2. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
  3. Bodysnatchers

In Rainbows Disc 2 (Not sure if this should be considered a different album, but it felt wrong not including it)

  1. Bangers + Mash
  2. Down Is The New Up
  3. 4 Minute Warning

The King Of Limbs

  1. Give Up The Ghost
  2. Separator
  3. Little By Little

A Moon Shaped Pool

  1. True Love Waits
  2. Decks Dark
  3. Ful Stop

1 Kudos


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tinfoilhat's profile picture

the bends and high and dry not being on ehre is insane

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Apologies, I love those two. It was very difficult for me to choose just 3. I'd cram all of the songs in there if I could.

by johnny; ; Report

true the bends best album

by tinfoilhat; ; Report