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dec23˚ mittens & cold ꒱꒱

dec 3 23
its beginning to look a lot like christmas . . . 

    hi all !! how are you feeling ? ive been feeling pretty stressed lately , but im learning on how to manage it  its officially december !! i think considering my name is rudolph , this month is perfect for me  my birthday is december 8 too !! which is this friday omg . . time really flies by . i believe today me & my family will be setting up our christmas tree !! i love christmas trees , theyre always so beautiful and soso colorful !! i think i love EVERYTHING about christmas  in this one city theres always a christmas park , which isnt very far from me . im going there for my birthday , so it will be soso fun !! 

dec 7 23
the day before my birthday .. culd u believe im turning 16 tmrw ?? me neither O__O i feel so old .. i think it gets worse from here .. 
my boyfriend decided to spoil me today , i rlly wanna pay him back but i know he will not accept my money . but i guess it is my birthday (or at least the day before) , so i suppose its fair . but we got donuts together and shared some banana milk  i enjoy donuts , but not if im eating them a lot - ill get SICK of the sweetness .. and sweetness is what im all about !!  bubu also got me strawberry boba but i think we both agreed it tasted a bit .. odd  >__>  we strolled a bit thru the ross nearby but i did find a robe but i only had 2 dollars , meanwhile it was 20 . ugh . but on the way to get picked up i did take a photo !!

 does it give an eerie look ? actually - maybe it gives off a pretty vibe .  i cant believe tomorrow is my sweet 16 !! this is like .. THE teenage age !!

dec 8 23
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME !!  goodbye 15 , hello 16 !! today was pretty good , i got picked up 4th period so i was quite happy about that since usually 4th period can get pretty boring if were not actually doing anything (which is acting)   my mom got me a hello kitty sweater !! its black and has hello kitty with glasses , she said she bought it bc it looks like me hehehe  we drove to a christmas park near me and sadly most of the things weren't running .. we thought that maybe because it was a friday everything would be up n running but i suppose not . perhaps ill go again next weekend . SPEAKING of next weekend i should probably tell my friend when im free , we havent seen each other since the last day of elementary school and after elementary school she sadly moved .. but i cant wait to reunite while were both 16 years old !! i cant wait to give her the biggest hug ever  anyway ,  i took some pictures at the christmas park !!

2 Kudos


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