Wyclef's profile picture

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Category: Life


i almost died last night... idk how i didnt but im still alive

guess the world just wants to keep me here suffering

i want to apologize to my friends that ive hurt through this, i was selfish and i hurt yall in the process 

- wyclef

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John Horne

John Horne 's profile picture

When you feel hopeless about life, just remember :
1. God loves you, and he always will.
2. You are always welcome at church, doesn't matter who you are or what you believe, God's love belongs to us all.
3. You don't need to join us, just walk in when it's open, find a priest and request help. You will be accepted we and give as much assistance as you will need.
4. This is a bit of a negative one, but suicide is quite cardinal sin. It doesn't matter what life you lead, you will be sent to hell, and you will feel more alone than you ever have

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triiip's profile picture

wyclef i’m so glad you’re alive. please don’t do anything like that ever again. you still have so much life left to live. i love you wyclef

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Junkee's profile picture

Thank you so much bro! We need you! You better talk to me if you struggling at all. I’m ALWAYS here to listen and help

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solosword's profile picture

If you need anything my man we've got your back, and seriously, no need to apologize for something like that, it happens to everyone and there's a reason you're still here. We love you wyclef, don't forget that


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solosword's profile picture

Thank God you're alive Wyclef, glad to have you back

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