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Category: Life


Sometimes I feel like no ever gets me, the kids at school, my parents, family, teachers. Lately I have been diagnosed neruodivergent and all my life I had trouble with anxiety and I also get overwhelmed easily and everytime I do my mom is always telling people or just making it known that I'm a "teenage angst and angry thing" which I am maybe sometimes but it's not the case most of the time, atleast not in public, all of the crowds and people talking is just too much I get a headache from it and sometimes I just need to be alone. But again no one really cares about that, because all people want to do is worry about themselves and be in their own world because that's what humans do. 

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zutzyn's profile picture

im not good with crowds either, i usually just resort to music and zoning out. i think pretending to be a sims characters helpful? at least for me it makes things feel less real

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I have one question for you. Do you believe that we live in a higher simulation, That in reality we are all just sims and that only some of us can be self aware about it?

by Xiliqu; ; Report