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Category: Blogging

DAY 1: 2023/12/03 - Serafim

I'm going to be starting a new daily blogging / diary thing on here. I know that there is a private 'diary' mode, but I think it'd be fun for you all to follow my day!

I would've started this on the 1st of December, or even at the start of the new year, but I might forget all about it then, so it's best to start now. 

I was mostly in the car, today. I was coming home from Algarve. It took a WHILE to get home, a few hours at most, but I'm finally home and can finally start doing the things I've been meaning to start. 

I'll begin by planning the fanfic I've been meaning to write. It's a crossover fic between Supernatural and Criminal Minds. I don't usually write crossovers, since I usually don't have any shows or pieces of media I see that would fit, but these two would be, as I have seen, a good pair. I want it to include vampires, since I feel as though Supernatural vampires are really interesting. I have to do quite a bit of research in the subject though. Just because my general vampire knowledge is extensive (not from Twilight, don't worry), doesn't mean it all works for Supernatural fanfiction.

Fanfiction aside, I also need to continue on with making the PluralKit proxies. In the car, I was able to make some of the Simply Plural icons, due to their simplicity, but the PluralKit images are more complex, having both masks and overlays. There are quite a lot of parts in front, so it's best I get started as soon as possible. Which I've now realised actually goes against me talking about writing the fanfic plan first, but we'll ignore technicalities. 

I'm not too sure what else to write. If there are any errors with the text, don't tell me, please. I check these, like, a hundred times over before and after posting. Then again when I next open the site, so there is no need to correct me on something I'll definitely see.

Serafim, He/They/She

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