it's so muggy in my room rn whyyyy it was like soo cold just a couple days ago i hate the baka weather but i love the clouds and being able to tell when the weather will change. unfortunately winters are evil here so ill be hurting for two days because it's gonna rain suddenly or bc it's gonna be SUPER cold and then BOOOM five days later it's back to being 80 degrees and humid musty nasty outside. you cant do this to me this is weather for the spring and summer why do you do this to me. theyre lying when they say they have a month of cold ive lived here for 7 years now or soemthing and it's so evil the winter is so evil. also i feel like i might be better for medschool but like first off the expenses OUUTFFF and then residency and then like..>!>!>>!>!> it's nice when other docs are like Yeah you should prob go to medschool youd prolly like that :D and im like Yeah.. but arugh. family. engineering. im not cut out for that! plus i feel like engineers end up spending their innovative selves doing things for the sake of companies and their products (sell sell sell) instead of like being able to funnel that into creating things that can actually improve people's lives. a job's a job but man i wonder how many engineers wish they could work on a project that benefits people instead of like designing a way for SUVs to not hit 11+ children on the road. cries. no but yeah also i was doing so bad with math hw and then i started playing tf2 music and boom that mental clarity comes back. also im so fucked w engineering path IM LITERALLY IN COLLEGE ALGEBRA they expect me to speedrun into calculus w physics within like 2 years and i skipped at least four days of math. they have this attendance grade system here so like if i skip like four or five classes i lose a letter grade or something (AAHHH HELPPPP) so like i have to pray that my future self with SSTUDY for that final exam so i can be eligible for that one math class that combines TWO math classes into one. gaming

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im not reading all of that. goodbye. i dont remember why i came here i dont remember typing this much ever okay im sleepy im soo sleepy but i ate a vegetable meatloaf (i thought it was real meat meatloaf wtff.. it was vegetable loaf... it was not meat... that was not meat!) and stomach makes me want to throw up when im trying to sleep so now i turn to the soda the bubble items. maybe that will make me worse actually oh well. types a lot
oh yeah i was losing internal traction (motivation) to do anything with my profile (i was obsessed with editing and adding to it the first week i was here) but i kinda lost that spark but then i came back after like a day or two of cheating on spacehey with scrungler and i see my profile and i immediately remember WHY i picked up a html+css book over break..... this is crazy WHO CANLOOK AT MY PROFILE LIKE THIS this is my html hell truly.
by animals; ; Report
no but liek there are so many 13 year olds on this website no hate to 13 year olds i just wish south park wasnt a hit with the internet kids these days why cant you whippersnappers like BenDrowned or Jeff the Cooker sheaking my head. mh... this is all in jest and lightheart but also like for real what about south park is making the animals swarm to it like gnats to apple vinegar like for real. what was popular when i was 13? evil politics. and maybe ugandan knuckles. being in middle school is actually suffering im sorry the stars make it so that nothing enjoyable comes out of modern educational settings and the internet. at least i can play my tf2 (encounters 30 racist transphobic homophobic 20 year olds). was roblox ever like that. they do banish everythign i remember whn i played roblox i had to like type out letters individually and space them out a lot. i dont even remember what i was trying to say. maybe Kiss but i wasnt even roleplaying. what was i doing. it was an undertale thing. a friend and i used to mess with people on roblox when we were 12 and 13. we were incredibly pathetic
by animals; ; Report
saying the animals sounds mean i just like saying taht it's my universal word for myself and others endearing style because i feel like humans forget theyre animals too. we are weird looking primates why are we so hairless :(
by animals; ; Report
i like being an animal but [incoherent text that makes econ majors kill and eat me]. can people even major in economics.. or is that just business. i dont know i dont really care unless someone struts into my comment section and sets me straight. THEN i do care. but that has not happened yet so i dont really care. is business major just for managers
by animals; ; Report
thinks about pre-med...
unironically it would be cool to become a pharmacist. insert joke that would make an employer ban me from medical field forever.
by animals; ; Report
stupid didnt realize pre-med is for doctors it's called pre-pharmacy STUPID you wouldnt.. know......... spits at your face
by animals; ; Report
im going to eat you it's actually pre pharm ermm!!!! okay.
by animals; ; Report
i spent like an hour or two adding hyperlinks to music of specific bands for my profile and then it fucked up im going to die. IT UNDID ALL MY OLDER LINKS IN THE MUSIC SECTION i cant do this anymore. please.
family guy death pose head in hands dying emoji dying dying horribly
by animals; ; Report