I Finally Stabbed Chaos through the chest, my palm full of black flames, and my arm full of wounds just like the rest of my body. I looked at Chaos in their weird eyes, not smiling; like he was during our fight, not trying to cut, scratch, or even stab at me, not even a word out of his scared mouth, He was scared. I saw his look of terrifying shock, he started to shake and grip onto my arms I knew at this moment that I had won, with a bitter taste of blood in my mouth i pulled out my arm, Chaos looked at me with that still looked of horror and I just looked at them with a sour look of my face.
They stumbled on a bit as the leaned against my shoulder, clearly too week and tired to even try to hurt me, Me and him both kept breathing hard it was a close fight that each and one of us could've died from, I felt his torn and burnt hair brushing against me and my hair; which was equally charred and worn. "h, he, ha-ha-ha... you, you sure." I felt his entire weight push onto me as i held him waiting for his candle to burn out, clearly these words in themselves were too much to even say "ah, well, sorry for, for not speaking, too clearly, c. Can you hold me while I die please? I, I don't want to, want to die alone" I sighed shortly and softly as Chaos held onto my body with me holding him, I want to desperately want to disregard his dying life as he would do to me if he won, but I am the better person, so i held onto him by his chest as i slowly drag his body to the floor to lay down on me.
Chaos was silent and breathing his heart away as i held him close near by head with his body already much taller and skinnier to mine it felt like holding a long plush of snakes. I rested my head on a piece of rumble that was smooth part of a tree, and I breathed tried and sore.
The battle itself was so exhausting i felt the mere light weight of chaos hard to support, my hoodie and shorts were already torn and stabbed, and my body felt numb, with every part of my arms, legs, and head scratched by chaos. my heart pounding out of my chest as my body catching up with my nerves and the smell of iron coming from me, I looked at chaos's outfit, he was more then burnt he was so used up even any form of spells i used seemed to steam off him.
The cold nights air started to breeze through the air, me, the woods, and chaos. I looked more around us, the woods a complete worn mess, trees with trunks that's ones limber could've made a nice house just burning up with oozing energy of chaos and mines fight. flames, Stabs, impacts, blasts, magic, and the weird liquid chaos has. The trees told more of the story of our fight then we could, Holding Chaos felt weird, he had a somewhat normal head and a thickly black liquid like body, and the fact I'm to hold him so he doesn't die alone is depressing. I know he's done only mildly bad and mischievous stuff, but did he even deserve this? I started the initiative to battle, i let it get so bad, he constantly paused and looked always on his last breath every way of the fight.
I need to break the ice between us both, so i spoke up and softly said. "Hey, Chaos. Why? Why do all the trouble in Tio La huh? The- the stealing, the hurting of everyone, the murderers no less." Before i could get another letter in, he softly said like just a little bit more of his was dying. "I never killed anyone... Not one person, in the city. Gods- I can feel the pump in my body start again, I wonder how much hours i have left... Until my body realizes its dead." I was wondering in my head, was his 10 grand head even worth it, so much trouble and yet it came from such a tedious and questionable thing. Sure I accepted taking on that bounty, but he only paused me only when it came to killing, he's descried as doing so much trouble that they've had to set curfew hours, even during the day. I spoke once again. "So then, what did you do?" i sounded tried and almost monotone, with Chaos coughing before he spoke said. "I only... robbed food, and water and I need to hurt whoever got in my way, otherwise i wouldn't even eat. Sure it was a rich city, even I need to eat, they don't treat me like I have life or thoughts and regrets. Only an animal..." I was speechless and regretful holding his body. Why didn't i just ask him, and Chaos's need to eat too? It was racing through my head like a hundred questions and not one to justify why I did what i did. He started to stroke little torn and burnt parts of my hair, I was going to try to pull his hand away at first but then i felt those crisp and torn edges start to feel more comfortable and less painful.
I asked "What, what are you doing? Chaos?" he simply moved to other parts of my hair that were fried and kept flowing his thin fingers through them, it was a cold and almost tranquil feeling, that I just felt through my hair. "He, ha-ha-ha... just, taking in my last moments of life, what else. I know what I'm doing. I'm getting you ready for when you turn in my head, I- I'm sorry for hurting you..." My heart sank so deep, I wasn't ready for him to apologize for hurting me. I wanted to hug him so bad but with my body so sore I could just barely think or speak, he kept flowing his cold hand on my hair. "I-I am, I am" my voice wavy and shaky. "I'm sorry it ended this way... I'm sorry Chaos" I felt those tears just leak out like rain. "It's, It's not your fault. I know that, I'm a Chaos and people look at me and think, what a monster hope some brave hero out there kills this beast before it does something evil... It's my fault." I used what little energy i could and hugged him close, his head on my shoulder and his body burnt and a whole through his chest. "Chaos... if there's one last thing you want to do, in your life, what would it be?" I said, i hope i could at least do something so that my guilt feels lighter on my heavy shoulders, why forgive me, why?
Chaos stayed silent, for a period of time I thought time had some to a still if it wasn't for the sounds of the winds and passing animals, Then I hear "To not die alone, and thank you." I felt so bad, It sounds so repetitive, it sounds like I'm going crazy, but how could I cope. Then as he stopped brushing my hair, i felt him rest his arm and sigh, I wanted to die with him. "Chaos... How long, How long do you feel like you have in this life?" I asked, it was silent, my pain oozing away some how as I felt his presence taking my pain, it was a silent minute but eventually i heard him; coughing and his opening breath already faint. "If I had to guess, maybe a few minutes... " My pain felt like nothing, I want to throw up my heart.
I felt the physical body he had start to crumple and start to melt, tears formed in my eye as he started to back away from me, his eyes tearful already, he still stayed on my lap, we were both speechless. He coughed and gagged as i saw his body start to slowly lose its form and it's strength nothing.
"T-thank you... thanks for at least letting me pretend what having a friend is like, ha-ha-ha... I never got your name, T-...tell me" I felt naked and lone now, I tried to speak, nothing but a drying wispier. "Cathleen..." The name I had, I spoke it out just before I felt him hug me, cold and soft.
He let go and started to melt away into a Black Nothing liquid his purple face, fuzzy hair black tar ears with rings and a tag. Gone, I Felt Everything i tried to hold onto him, telling myself no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, No!
And the only comfort i got, was the feeling of his cold and sinking hands.
Then nothing. His form gone, and sinking onto the thin grass, onto the dirt. He was nothing.
Killing redemption
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on the verge of tears /srs DAMN
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