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Category: Life

hello wrld!

Mini Rage Face Happy Smiley

haiiii i uhhh have clearly. NEVER blogged everrr. so uh here it gos??? 

i have no clue what im supposed to talk lemme jus talk ab my gf pktart :heart eyes:

jk jk i wont lesbo post on here just yet!!

and i dont think i can mentally ill post just yet... so this is just a intro duction ig?? idk can ppl reply to this stuff??? i hope so... i muchj prefer answering questions than just talking!!! bleghhhh!!!!!!!!!

anyhow.. happy big run to those who celebrate!!! maybe ill post some of my art sumtime!!!!

plutoz signing offf ╰(◣﹏◢)╯

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PK tart

PK tart's profile picture

Q: how do you inflate balloons. its really hard to have that much breath. are singers better at inflating balloons?

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what the hell are you talkin ab.... also ii do not inflate balloons often at all, and idk i guess singers would be better cuz of their breath control..??? idfk ToT

by SEAN !!; ; Report


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