McCafferty is probably (unfortunately) one of my favorite bands of all time and I know maybe 2 other people who have listened to them? I just miss the feeling of their music and I'm looking for more like it. Big fan of Glocca Morra, Cap'n Jazz, Sorority Noise, Free Throw, Brand New, I could keep going but it just gets sadder lol. I think it would be super cool to meet other people into this stuff :)

Do McCafferty fans exist still???
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Jonathan Ray
Bro I’ve loved McCafferty since 2016, they’re so good. Sucks what has happened with them, but that’s how a lot of musicians go sadly. I got to see them live in 2019 and it was so awesome. Beachboy went HARD. Favorite song(s)?
Yes mccafferty is so good although i don't listen to him as much anymore. I saw free throw live last october tho :33 If you haven't listened to the band graduating life you should!
Ooooh I'll have to. I love Free Throw I was gonna see them live and then ended up having to move lol. I think I may be seeing Mom Jeans and Mayday Parade early next year so I'm hoping that goes well
by Garglemesh; ; Report
yes i hope u can ! I'm seeing mom jeans again in march i love them so much, they're playing w summersault and hunny I'm super sad that Free Throw isn't playing tho
by mothmaa`; ; Report
I was gonna try to go to the When We're Young album thing with like everyone i've ever wanted to see but I did not have the funds unfortunately. I've never seen Mom Jeans before I'm super hype
by Garglemesh; ; Report
me too! its wayyy out of my budget tho, the tickets i got for mom jeans n summersalt were only $36 each suprisingly
by mothmaa`; ; Report
SAME their like 40 out here which isn't too bad. I missed Joyce Manor and may never be able to live that one down. Local shows have been kinda hit or miss out here since the big sick
by Garglemesh; ; Report