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Category: Blogging


Hello you can refer to me as Anon or any nickname

I will not be active often as I have Dissociative Identity Disorder. (DID info here) I am someone who looks at life in a different perspective, I am new to existence and I love living each day and seeing new things. I find happiness in everything and I enjoy being optimistic. Please ignore if I speak in a way that’s unsettling, I am not good with interactions or social cues.

 I like to blog about my day to day life and rambles. I am not looking to be popular or anything of the sort. I am actually afraid of having an online presence but that’s okay. It is good to try new things sometimes. 

!Before You Add Me!

I am saddened to say there are bad people on the internet. However this information is not new! With that said, please stay away if you are any of the following:

  • Bigoted in any way 
  • Supportive of gross things, including in fiction! Includes: Pro-para or "Pro-fic/comship/proship"
  • R-slur user regardless if it is "reclaimed" or not :(
  • Pessimistic or overwhelmingly negative (Sorry, I hope things get better)

I would suggest not adding me if you do not know much about DID, it is a very important part of me and how I function

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sunny's profile picture

your blog doesn't have an add friend button but we are also a DID system!! *waves to you*

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Hi! It is great to see more systems on here

by Anon; ; Report