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Category: Blogging

School :|

Today is an okay day. I didn't want to wake up to go to school and I took a while to get out of bed. I nearly cried on my way to school :(

But nonetheless! I had an okay time in 2 period talking with my group but I don't like the teacher, she does too much with work and it's draining when class is about to end she's always like you guys have a google form and a journal entry and it's like wtf the google from is enough why is a journal entry needed? (I don't do the google form or the journal entries cause yea)

For 4 I'm doing a 3d printing coil project (4th is ceramics) and I actually had a good time in that class cause I was able to talk to a friend and my project is based off of the lily of the valley flowers :) then OMG! I had did a tic tac toe board it was hearts with the pieces being chocolate squares and strawberries! I'M SO HAPPY WITH HOW IT TURNED OUT x3

Now I'm in 6 period but I have the same class for 5th and 6th everyday. I usually talk to my bestie Isabel but sadly she's not here today. But I'll see her on Monday! 

My other classes are fun! for 7th it's history and my teacher is cool, he's really funny :) for 8th I get to see my twin Avril!! x3 when I get home I don't know if I'll pick up food but I hope that we get Chick-fil-a!! well that's all sorry that my blog is long but thank you for reading! :3

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Avril Adorkable

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CANT WAIT 2 C U !!!!!!

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by Jilly; ; Report