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Category: Blogging

get 2 know me !

i stole this from sam sorry guys

name: muireann
nickname:urmm muir or abby if u cant pronounce either help
zodiac sign: gemini
eye colour: blue
hair colour: black
height: like 5'10" or something
your heritage: ireland
what's your middle name?: abigail
shoes you wore today: im in school so my black reebok runners that r my school shoes
your fear: good question
goal you would like to achieve this year: its like december so idk but next year i want to learn guitar properly
first thought when you wake up: i want to go back 2 sleep
best physical feature: my lips methinks
who is your bestest friend?: sammy!!!!
when is your bedtime?: like 10 pm idk
your most cherished memory: hrmm maybe london with my aunt and my mam
pepsi or coke?: pepso max
mcdonalds or burger king?: mcdonalds
single or group dates?: single
what is the last song you sang?: coffees for closers is stuck in my head so that
does playing the guitar make a person more attractive?: yes
what is your biggest pet peeve?: urm i dont know
have you ever drank?: yes
have you ever been drunk?: yes
have you ever smoked?: yes
do you sing?: yes but not very well
do you want to go to college?: yeah if i can afford it then definitely
have you ever been in love?: i think so

do you want to get married?: yeah
do you believe in yourself?: urm no
do you believe in others?: yes
do you like thunderstorms?: yes!!!
do you play an instrument?: i play piano the best but i also play guitar rlly badly so idk if that counts
what country would you like to visit?: idk id like to go to as many places as i can, i think number one on my list is spain at the moment
how many CDs do you own?: im not at home to count but a lot
how many DVDs do you own?: too many
how many tattoos do you have?: i think three
how many piercings do you have?: 1 in each ear but i want more, i used to have my seconds but my parents made me take them out
how many things in the past do you regret?: lots

shoes: maybe my knockoff dunnes converse or my normal runners
radio station: idk i listen to today fm in the mornings
drink: pepsi max
car: i like range rovers but only the big cool kind not the soccer mom kind
place: my house i suppose
song: agh too many top ones rn r probably summer hair=forever young or sophomore slump or comeback of the year
movie: saw or top gun
moment: not sure
colour: pink
meal: pizza or baked alaska but thats a dessert so it doesnt rlly count

in a person
eye colour: i dont really care tbh
hair colour: ummmmmm idk i dont really care :(
short or long hair: idk!
height: um i would not like to be towering over someone too much
body type: idc
piercings: yes
tattoos: yes

bedside manner
do you think you are attractive?:um i dont know
are you attracted to someone who does not know it?: no
would you like to be someone's fantasy?: idk dawg
hunter or hunted?: ermm
cuddles in general?: yes

right now
what is today's date?: 30th of november 2023
what time is it?: 10:34 im in maths
who are you thinking of?:urmm maybe eva because shes sitting next to me or sam because im deleting her answers to type these in help
what are you listening to?: nothing rn because im in school but last song was about a girl the academy is
do you love someone?: yes
does someone love you?: i hope
is it raining?: surprisingly no
how many spacehey friends do you have?: idk like 30 or something
are you happy?: havent had a great week but im not awful!!!!

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