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Category: Life

Trying to manage my life lmao

Soooo, I don't usually make posts on here, just cuz of the fact I spend more time on sites like Twitter and YouTube and all, but maybe I should post more here? Idk, I'm just gonna explain what's going on in my life lol

Basically, it's kinda complicated. I've been setting timers each day to get things done. I'm not exactly in school, so I've been trying to do things so I don't feel lazy (not that there's anything wrong with it, I just tend to get really guilty when I feel too lazy for too long).

I've been trying to get a lot of things done, as well as work on my mental health. I've been finishing drawing projects, actually getting done with video scripts and recording for said scripts, animating, and even continuing to learn Japanese, something I've been putting off for a while since I quit a few years ago. 

I still get those random bursts of laziness every now and again, but overall, I'm starting to take control of my life again. Last year I didn't go to school either, so I felt very isolated at home, especially since my dad didn't, and still doesn't, have a car. I'm really happy I'm feeling better mentally. 

There was also a lot of things that happened last year that affected my mental health as well, but I've since moved on and am taking steps to take back control of my life.

Still, I can't shake off my insecurities of being an adult. There's still a lot I have yet to learn, and to be honest, I felt more adult as a kid, but as an adult, I feel like a child. Maybe that's just because I'm coming to terms more and more with the fact I'm neurodivergent and not masking as much as I did when I had no idea. I'm still keeping my chin up.

If you're still reading this, thanks for taking the time to. I appreciate it, stranger. <3

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