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As of recently, I've gotten gastritis. It's really annoying and painful. I can only eat certain, bland, foods. No spicy food, no carbonated drinks, no fatty foods, no acidic foods, no fruit juices, no red meat, I can't have most fruit in general, no "processed food"... etc etc... but at the same time, I also cant eat too little??? Not to mention, even if I eat something that I CAN eat, I'll still be in excruciating pain for hours! Luckily, I've been prescribed sucralfate so the pain is a bit lessened. If I eat one thing wrong I'll be puking for a while. I've been pretty constipated too, hopefully my poop pills work better XDDDDDDDD

Anyone else suffering from gastritis who has any tips on how to make this experience less boring and painful?

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𝖊𝖒𝖒𝖚𝖍𝖑𝖊𝖊's profile picture

i was diagnosed with gastritis in 2016, but it was acute- it only ever rarely flares up with me anymore but i still steer away from super spicy foods.

GINGER TEA IS A LIFE SAVER!!! it's so rough to drink but it seriously helps. zofran helps with the nausea. i remember eating just BREAD was hurting me!

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