Outfit recording yet lives! Throughout October, I continued photographing my outfits and getting more and more backlogged due to the work I had to do on my thesis, all with the full intention of catching up with a blog post or two eventually...
... and then I got sick (twice!) (┬┬﹏┬┬)
So, this post will just have one big collage of October outfits, as well as a sort-of condensed and combined version of non-outfit related blog posts I planned to make prior to getting sick
October (Outfits)
(last outfit is out of the collage bc it wouldn't fit)
The 2nd to last outfit (last one in the collages) is actually the first time I ever wore lolita fashion to school! The school's Halloween party was going to start during my last class, so in order to wear my lolita to it (which I had planned since seeing people wear lolita to the party last year), I had to wear it all day. It was pretty fun!
I tend to get nervous about looking "weird" in public, and this tends to be an issue when I'm getting back home after meets or events, hence why I needed some kind of excuse to dress up despite the fact that I wear lolita at home for no reason. It's a bit of an irrational fear, considering I go to an art school, but I feel that being able to do that boosted my confidence somewhat.
"In which I actually take advantage of the fact I go to school in New York City"
On October 10th, I decided to leave home a bit early before class and go to K-town to shop. I went to Teso first, and then wandered a bit looking for somewhere to eat (I have a poor sense of direction and ended up walking in the exact opposite direction of K-town). I ended up at a vegan burger place and tbh... it was mid (T_T)
I had a lot of time left, so I went back to k-town (thank you, google maps) to check out the k-beauty store I had visited briefly over the summer. I was a bit concerned about how much money I was spending (although in retrospect it wasn't actually that much) and how much time I was taking, so I only bought an Among Us themed (?) hand lotion for my brother and hurried over to the bus stop, fully expecting to be late...
... only to arrive at my 6:30 class at 6:19. It seems I have no sense time either.
My parents had gone to see a comedy show in the city that was supposed to end just a bit after my class, so we decided to meet up afterwards and go home together. I still had a bit of time to wait for them after I got to where the theatre was, so I got quesadillas for dinner.
The results of shopping:
"In Which I Wander the Area Near My School"
Just 2 days later I ended up doing the same thing because my professor decided to only announce that he would be cancelling class due to illness 30 minutes before the class was meant to begin. And since I had another class right after, I couldn't just go home.
I would have gone back to K-Town, if I wasn't wearing my "absolutely do not walk around New York in these" shoes. Unfortunately, the amount of walking I did do that day still made my feet ache the next day anyway.
It was still nice to get to know the area a bit better. I found a Michaels and a fancy bookstore nearby, and I also found out that everything I bought at Teso 2 days before could have been purchased at the Digiso literally a 2 minute walk from school. ( ̄m ̄) Good to know, I guess.
Technically, the prices at Teso were lower, so I still made a better decision leaving early. It didn't make me feel any less stupid, though.
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