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gift ideas for someone special<3 or christmas, and birthdays


These are some, few but personal, gift ideas for someone you value:) Great for christmas or birthdays. Or just because you feel like it.

1: Burning a personal CD, i made this mixtape for example. Its a great way to share your appreciation for someone, and to secretly plant a song wich will remind them of you in the future :P ehehehe

You will need:

 A CD burner, you can get them from any electronic market for around 15 bucks:), An CD that says CD-R, or anything BUT DVD. And for burning them i would recommend Windows Media Player. But there is tons of tutorials out there:^)


2)  Bind a book:)

 To do this you will need:

  • a book with a nice cover from your local thriftstore/library 
  • Buy 5-6 of these large fancy construction papers for aquarell/oil, so they can paint inside your book :) And laminate glue

To start:

  • Rip out the pages.
  • Measure the the size of one single page [A] and cut out a space double the size [B]. Cut out as many of them as you can:) You should end up with about 15-20 of these double sized Papers.
  • Fold them in half [1]
  • layer these folded papers on top of each other, NOT into each other. ON TOP. 
  • you should have something similar as to [2], Press them together
  • Put a lot of the laminating glue into the inner-spine of the book
  • Put your pages inside the spine. While doing this, lightly press them to fit the width of the Spine. 
  • close your book and wait :D
  • its usually safe to open after a few 10 minutes. but just wait a little longer to be extra safe:)

ur done!! <3 (for another example look on my very first blog)


3) A bracelet out of cute buttons! preferably also phone chains. or put them on safty pins:)

I dont have pictures yet but i will add them as soon as i find enough cute buttons myself:P

4) A card set you painted over:) With whatever interests you share! or just wonky little guys

5) Write them a really beautiful letter. Buy/make nice paper. Fancy it with little stickers. Make it fold into something creative. A camera for example:) That "prints" pictures and correlating texts. (by pulling them out). Pick pretty stamps, even if you are giving it in person. Seal it with wax. Make it pretty to display. Whomever is recieving this letter will be very thankful<3 You dont have to spend too much money on someone to make them feel special:P

6) Lego you built yourself! Go and look for the really big pile of random Legos in your parents basement and build something out of them:) Maybe a lil character, or whatever comes to your mind! Im sure you can make something great!

Thats it <3


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Viktor's profile picture

I'm fairly certain my boyfriend is making me a cassette mix tape for my birthday and I'm jumping up and down in joy!

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Thats so nice:D im really happy for you! you deserve a loving gift and its great you appreciate it<3

by El; ; Report