Space Age Bachelor Man's profile picture

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Category: Friends

You should totally IM me!

Hey!!! I'm just some guy on Spacehey lolz, but yk since nano ywp shut down ive been pretty bored, and I wanna talk to some people

BEWARE!!! I tend to talk a lot, so just say something if I annoy you XD
Also srry if i dont respond fast i uhhhh have bad memory

ANYWAYSSSSS I really like madness combat and the sims 2, I also play minesweeper but thats just when I'm super super bored in class or like, my internet goes out

I'm autistic and my special interest is computers,,,, just in general but i REALLY love any old computers, like, 1940's-2000's rofl

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KEL ☆ @_O

KEL ☆ @_O's profile picture

id love if u talk to me about computers bc i dont know ANYTHING about computers, i sent u a friend request!!! :3

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oh are you REALLY prepared for my autistic ramblings? /lh

by Space Age Bachelor Man; ; Report

absolutely >:3

by KEL ☆ @_O; ; Report