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Category: Life

thrifting finds :0

thrifting is a very simple pleasure of mine. nothting beats walking into a goodwill and seeing all the old new things in store. be it a rarity or something common, every item tells a story. it’s sweet in a sad kind of way, knowing that these items have been given away, but it’s nice to know that they usually find a new owner later down the line! i didn’t end up picking anything up myself, at least, not this time around. but there was plenty to see, so i documented some of the more unique items i saw! let’s take a look, shall we?


ah, dvds. what once was the superior physical format. though, it’ll always remain that way in my eyes. the dvd was a revolutionary physical format that changed the way we watched shows and movies, each one packed to the brim with personality and special features that we so sadly lack nowadays (looking at you, blu-rays). nothing will top the charm of the dvd!!


on the topic of outdated physical media, the vcr!! the pioneer of physical home media, and one of the first ways to take many of our silver screen favorites with us whereever we went!! i already have a vcr at home, as well as a decent collection of assorted films at my disposal. perhaps a topic for a future blog? we’ll see… but staying on topic, there was quite a curiosity i found nearby.

vcr multiplier?

the rabbit vcr multiplier system!! a peculiar little device indeed. from what i’ve gathered, it works by transmitting the video signal from your vcr across the airwaves, allowing you to access whatever’s playing on the first vcr onto an analog channel, either channel 3 or 4. it’s an interesting little concept, and definitely one from the era.

a typewriter!!

and now, for an even older piece of technology: the typewriter!! i actually used to own a typewriter, though this was many years ago. this little number is a bit worse for wear, and the slide mechanism didn’t allow it to clear all the way to the right, but it was still mostly functional. it even had a carrying case! goes to show it was well-used and definitely well-loved <3

pink ladies

pink ladies! this one i was debating picking up, but i ended up not doing so. i’ll definitely be going back for it, though. i don’t know that much about grease, be that the movie or any other related media, but i can appreciate anything to do with ladies or the color pink, and this has both. what can i say, i’m quite easy to please.

well, that’s all that was worth any note!! i’ll be sure to document any future finds whenever i go back. i hope you enjoyed my ramblings about old tech and pink ladies, because there is definitely more to come!! in any case, love yourself and have a great rest of your day.


- cori of the stars (

4 Kudos


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