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Category: Life



It's been a long time since I wrote here huh? \(゚ー゚\)

Anyway, I will inform you about what has happened in recent months...

Several things really happened, hehehe! The year is ending very soon and that excites me quite a bit since he will be free from high school, yay! Aside from the fact that Christmas is getting closer, I can't wait to decorate the Christmas tree, see the sparkling lights of the ornaments, the hot chocolate, my mom's chocolate chip cookies...hmmm, it's soooo exciting!

As for the past, well, my mental state has improved, my sleeping medications have also decreased, now I just have to take much, much, much, much less than before for 10 more days and if I do well, they take me. set it aside completely! I'm going to stop taking it as soon as I can feel sleepy on my own, that's a big step forward if you ask me.

My personal life has also been going well, not long ago I went to the pool, it's been a while since I've had a good swim!

I haven't been getting good grades, but I haven't done badly on the report card they gave for the third semester either. Very soon they will deliver the report card for this fourth semester. I'm very nervous about that. I feel like I'm going to repeat it again. year, although, I always say that and it never happens, I hope it's one of those cases, although... it hasn't gone that bad for me either... or so I think!

A while ago I went out with my friends to a park, it was like a typical teenage dream! (I guess) we went to a square to get rowdy, we went to another place to play and run, we went back to the park to lie down and gossip in our living room and finally we went to a establishment to eat ice cream! It was an exhausting day, but at the same time exciting!

something is missing, I forgot something...

oH, YES!

I joined an NGO that seeks to preserve marine fauna, it's pretty cool! I am the director of the design departments in general, at the moment there is no activity there. Although, the other directors and the two founders are quite nice and friendly, most of the people are women, it's kind of strange, I'm the only man hehehe, anyway, I love that environment.

They are holding elections at my school and I am running again! Only not for school mayor, but for the school deputy mayor; We are not doing much activity to promote ourselves ¡But now I was designing some of the posters that we are going to print! The funny thing about all of this is that our campaign logo is a tricolor cat, more specifically a female kitten that had been showing up at school for a while which we called "Trico"...hope we can win!

For Friday I have a group project with two of my friends, I hope it goes well, we don't even have the script well done, but let's see what comes of all this, after all, a presentation talking about the formation of salts cannot turn out so bad right?

Anyway, speaking of school stuff, I've been researching some universities I could go to, but they are very expensive! I want to study astronomy and work at NASA with all my soul, so I'm going to have to beat the shit out of myself in the 5th year of high school (where high school ends here) to be in 1st or 2nd place in the upper third of my promotion and get a scholarship, but then I'm going to have to go to an academy to be able to pass the admission exam of the university I want, my teacher says that the math area is not that difficult there, so that doesn't bother me. It is very worrying at the moment, that is, I just saw the admission exams of that university from previous years and it looks a little complicated, but not as much as I expected (I lie, to me it looks difficult, help God)

I know that I have barely turned 15, but am I preparing now to have a broad school curriculum)?

That's why I'm going to have to be in several volunteer programs and NGOs to stand out among the other applicants...aaaa, how tiring it's going to be! <(_ _)>

"But Oliv, aren't you too young to say all those things? Focus on your high school studies!"

I can't, I have to prepare to stand out in my resume!

Well, getting off topic a little, I'm thinking of making a book for my beautiful girlfriend with songs that I'm going to dedicate to her, I hope it's a good gift!

And well, that's all I guess...~


Conejito cabezon azul cielo

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