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Category: Blogging

Diary Entry #1

woke up late today with my foot cramping really bad. I had to have my mom get my stuff for me. I asked her to stay home, but she wouldn't let me. So here we are, at school. I hate science class, it's the worst. My teacher always made me close my chromebook... Like, I'm supposed to be working on it ma'am. We were learning about muscles or whatever, some boring 2nd grade shit. She was actually my 5th grade stem teacher, isn't that crazy? Now she works here at the junior/high school (My school is a junior high and high school, 6-12). I kinda just played on my chromebook the whole time. I wasn't sure what the assignment was. I was planning on asking my friend later. Next class is choir, it hurt so bad to walk to the class. We’re singing winter songs and some others. Later in December we will carol in the hallways, and also have a concert. I’m excited, and I hope my foot heals before then, December 13th. Speaking of my foot.. I messaged my mom and she won’t answer. Math class was okay, I fell asleep the whole time. I thought I was asleep in my room but woke up to the bell. English class was good, my friend sold me some chips. I was eating them during class, teacher didn’t know. Or maybe she did, but she just doesn’t care. Lunch was okay, I ate too much I think. Then was study hall, I almost fell asleep because its mainly for math help. History class was cool, were learning about american history or whatever. It’s pretty easy, at least for me. It’s interesting, you know? Gym class sucked. I can’t participate, everyone played volleyball. It’s whatever, I should be able to walk in a few weeks. Art class was boring though. We just studied surrealism, like, wheres the fun in that?? I want to draw.

6/10 day, thanks for sticking around. See u tomorrow, bai ^_^

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3 Kudos


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