Mood - anxious from all that stuff I'm putting off...
I figured out how to navigate the Aquabats web page, and (with the help of my mom's credit card :-1 ) signed myself up to be an Aquacadet! I'm really surprised I didn't do so sooner. I'm already in like 4 weird fan clubs. My Cadet number and "perks" or whatever should come in a few weeks, and I'm just glad to support the band, I guess.
The new Aqua Teen Hunger Force episodes aired last night, and I caught 'em on adult swim at around 11pm. I liked them a lot, but that may have just been my excitement from seeing the first new aqua teen episodes since 2015. I mean, there was a movie last year that I really appreciated, but new episodes were pretty exciting.
I feel like I should be writing blog posts more, but seriously nothing ever really happens with me.
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