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Category: Blogging

post 1: me introducing myself to an audience of 0

so, hi! i'm on here, idk how long this'll last (i'm writing this while pretending i don't have an exam in two days), but idk i mainly use nospace, i'm @umactually, and i'm fairly more unhinged on there, and,,, yeah! i wish i had more to say, so i swear i'm trying to come up with something,,,

ACTUALLY i just finished my rewatch of fullmetal alchemist brotherhood and it's so good i could talk about it all day, izumi, general armstrong and roy mustang are my favs even tho ling and ed are also so good and like idk i forget how much roy had to play to get what he wanted but damn does he know how to monologue, like his last major fight before... yknow... was so good! also it's the only show i can think of that gave me a satisfying epilogue even if i thought it was kinda random? like y'all are sick of each other atp aren't you?

in other news, i am so terrified for the holidays i am not a holiday girlie at alllllll it's bad i can't just like uproot my life comfortably to play house with my family, let me be free but i guess i'll live, maybe it'll give me an excuse to be on here more. 

i guess that's it? idk follow me on things, i like feeling relevant, and if ur an irl who found this, no you didn't 

bye I'm gonna play minecraft 

2 Kudos


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