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Category: Books and Stories

Your Roommate. Chapter three: Love and protection.

Its been 2 weeks since your roomate got clingy, and even more strange behaviours have occured in that 2 week time span. Like it became very touchy, no matter what you were doing it always had a least one hand on you. It also craved attention whenever you tried to focus on anything else it would whine, or grab you and drag you to it. you were on the phone with your bestie Ayesha. You were talking and laughing, but you felt odd. Your friend hadn't bothered you for attention like your other calls, you turned to look at it and just saw it staring with an angry expression. "Hang on a sec girly, i need to talk to my roommate." You excuse yourself from the call putting yourself on mute, and walk up to your fleshy friend. "Hey bud are you okay?" You ask it placing a hand under its weird chin, the mimic snaps out of its weird rage. It looks at you, then looks away...embarrassedly? "Do you want me to sit with you?" You ask sympathetically, you are this things only and first friend.
"Ÿêš.......płêåšë" it responds, you dont know why but you sat in its lap. Grabbing your phone, "hey girl i'm back" you unmute yourself and go back to talking, your friends gangly hands wrapped around you in a hug. "So girly, who's your new roommate?" Ayesha asked curiously and mischievously,
"Oh...uhm his na-" you're immediately cut off by her,
"Ooooo he?" Ayesha says in a weird voice you recognize.
"Oh no, no no, you aren't doing any of that," you say sternly. "Don't think I forgot about last time," you reflect on when Ayesha tried to set you up on a date with a guy you liked, and it went horribly. You ended up getting rejected so bad that you've not been in a relationship or liked someone since then, "oh cmonnnn" Ayesha complained.
"No. Plus I don't think he likes me like that, and i don't like him like that either ok?" You reply putting the facts straight, you have to keep secret about your roommate being a mimic. After all there are groups of people who try to kill the things, and sometimes they succeed. You were sure mimics couldn't even feel love for something other than food of course, but you've been suprised by your friend multiple times so the answer truly remained unknown. "Oh shizz girl i gotta go my boyfriend is here!" Ayesha says before hanging up, your used to her abruptly hanging up as she always has something on. Now your done calling your friend you begin to think about why the mimic was acting like that, a couple of ideas pop into your head but you could bring up other things to rule all of them out... Then you thought of something...Was it... jealous? You look up at it, its staring down at you. As soon as it sees you it quickly looks away, you see that somehow it's face is redder than it already was. Today isn't the first instance of this either, it's happened at least 5 times this week. It makes you wonder... "hey before when i was on call, were you jealous?" You ask your friend, it instantly looks straight at you before making a small squeaky sound. It make's sounds like the beginning of words before finally speaking, "ṉø......" it says before going silent again, "you, sure?" You ask, turning around so your facing it. "Ÿêš...." Your roommate says glancing away from you, even if its a entirely different creature than a human its body language says that it's lying. While you were lost in thought the mimic had wrapped its arms around you, and pulls you close. Your head was against its chest, your legs were wrapped around its thin body. You reciprocate the hug, the creature purrs but this time it was different. It was lower and deeper too, you feel the mimic rest its head on yours. This hug was different, it was more intimate than other times. Eventually it had enough and let you go, it presumably was hungry. You couldn't help but wonder what was going through its head, you decide to type all the weird behaviours down in a note on your phone. Then you realize that you need to check the mail, so you get up and go out to go get it. As you are walking back into your house you notice something in your back yard, its a mimic! But its not the one you were expecting, its shorter and its teeth are wonkier. You go to back up but end up cornering yourself as you had already locked your gate, you scream as the thing lunges at you. Your pushed to the floor scraping up your elbows, the thing drooling over you. You close your eyes hard expecting pain, but nothing happens. The you hear a distressed humanoid screech, you open your eyes to see your roommate. Its on top of the other mimic and its viciously attacking the thing, then your friend grabs the thing by its head violently tearing it off its body. Leaving a large pool of blood, it then swiftly grabs the remains and chucks it over the neighbour's fence. Your roommate then grabs you and brings you inside, it has a firm hold of you and it gently puts you down on your bed before pulling you into a tight embrace. It was worried about you? That's new, it then does something. It shuts its mouth (as best it can) and presses it against your face, you look at it. Did... did it just kiss you? You stare for a minute, its face looks nervous somehow. You then reach your hand up to it's face, then plant a small kiss on its cheek. Your roommate then stares at you, before smiling more somehow. It instantly starts "kissing" you all over your face, "okay okay calm down" you say giggling. It finishes by giving you a small "kiss" on your forehead, "mįñê...." Your mimic said holding you close. Well your not single anymore, you don't even know what your gonna tell your bestie after all you tell her all your gossip. Oh well you'd think about it later, right now your cudding your new partner.
Eventually you do the things you usually do at the end of the day, and after it's all done you sit down and decide to watch a movie. Your mimic picking you up slightly and placing you gently into its lap, and resting its chin on the top of your head. The movie you decided on was okay, it was pretty boring but there were some good moments. In about the middle of the movie there was a scene where one of the characters is with her lover, and during this part your mimic held you tighter and let out a small growl. You reach your hands up behind you to pet it, it purrs in response. Now you know that it definitely was jealous the other day, you smile at the thought.
Eventually you fall unconscious due to the boringness of the movie, and how comfortable you are. Eventually you wake up alone on the couch, your mimic was kind and put a blanket over you. You drearily grab your phone and check the time, its 12:56. You feel restless, (click, slidddeeeee). Looks like your mimic is back, you get up and walk to it. It looks at you confusedly, "ŵħŷ...åŵåķê?..." it asks you, pulling you into a hug. "I don't know, but i can't sleep right now either." You replied, snuggling into it. Then an idea popped into your head, a night walk. You used to go on them all the time, "hey darls can we go on a walk together? Like right now" you ask, looking up at it. Your mimic gives you a nod in response, you quickly slip on some socks and shoes. You lead your mimic out the door and to the woods near your house, and down the trail you used to walk down all the time. After some walking you make it to the "end" of the trail, usually it would go all the way around but there are harvesters there and it also leads into mimic territory. "Okay we've reached the end let's go bac-" you're cut off by your mimic picking you up, its now carrying you bridal style. It steps into the harvester areas. You remember that harvesters don't attack other members of the carnis species, so as long as your mimic keeps ahold of you you're safe. You look around at all these new things you've never seen before, its mostly just more behind wilderness but you did see at least two harvester bulbs which was cool. Then you notice a different sign that you've only seen twice, its a mimic territory sign. Your mimic holds you tight as it begins to walk through this part of the forest, it seems empty and quiet. Then you start to hear noises that don't belong in the woods, door knocking, floorboards creeking and even voices. You begin to hold your mimic tightly, and it reciprocates. Then you start to see the mimics, they all look different. Some are small others are quite the opposite. And they're all staring at you, you realize that your mimic bringing you here is like bringing a pack of gum into your high school classroom. Before you could even blink there were four mimics dashing towards you, your mimic instantly started sprinting. You scream and grab onto it so hard you think its starts to bleed, nevertheless it stays running far faster than the other mimics. Although it isn't very careful where its running, your getting cut and bruised by the overgrown trail. The only way you know that you're injured is by seeing it, your adrenaline is keeping you from feeling the pain. You look up at your mimic, it looks focused but it does glance at you every now and then. Then you feel a sharp sting of agonizing pain, a mimic had made a huge gash on your shoulder. After what felt like forever your out of the trail and out the front of your house, your mimic opens the front door and places you gently on the couch. It sits in front of you looking at your wounds sadly, "hey i'm gonna have to call an ambulance probably" you say, your mimic's face looking even more worried. "Don't worry i'll expain about you," you assure it. You then call an ambulance and wait, you open the door and they get a bit frightened by your mimic. You explain everything as you're put on a stretcher, "hey can uhm it come?" You ask the paramedics, "it just gets a little worried if im gone for too long." One of the paramedics talks into his walkie-talkie, your mimic walks up to you. It startles the paramedics who back up instantly, "ŷøũ......łêåvê?" It asks you concernedly, the paramedics look baffled. "I don't know yet darls," you say caressing under its chin. "Well since it's docile it can come, as long as it leaves the hospital as soon as it gets hungry." One of the paramedics says, your mimic looks pleased with this condition. It nods at the paramedic, you're wheeled into the back of the ambulance with your mimic hopping in with you, you eventually get to the hospital and get straight into treatment due to it being a mimic attack. You leave the hospital and hour later with 12 stitches on your shoulder and a medical bill of 1500 dollars, you eventually get home and just pass out. "Jeez that was a long night" you thought.

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