The Depression Diaries (2)

No cat picture today. I'm doing better this afternoon, but I know I'm about to crash again. Being bipolar and borderline truly is exhausting. I'm feeling in the middle today; like I'm not feeling awful but I'm also not feeling the greatest. I don't consider this neutrality. I tried contacting my pharmacy but they still haven't called in the medicine that I'm missing. The biggest struggle today is being social. I only want specific people to message me, and it sucks because my friends are either busy, asleep, or just not in the mood to talk. It'll be okay... maybe a nice snack will cheer me up? I managed to get dressed today so I consider that an accomplishment. Thanks for reading my blogs if you actually read them, means a lot <3

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Rowan's profile picture

I'm proud of you for getting out of bed and getting dressed, I know it can be really hard sometimes but you did it!! if you did get that snack, I hope it did cheer u up a little at least, remember you deserve to eat yummy things :3 oh and hopefully you get your meds soon!! you got this, you'll push through and remember this as well, you can take some days to rest if things are too much!! don't push yourself too hard!! :]

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Thank you this is so sweet 💕💕💕

by Moon_Malice ★; ; Report